Search results for Public Administration


Department "Public Administration"
Department "Public Administration and Regional Development"






40 results found
Networks 6/6/2024 ... of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe /NISPAcee/                         Taiwan Environmental Information Association /TEIA/           ...
Universities 6/6/2024 ... Academy of National Economy and Public Administration /RANEPA/ Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin Penza State University Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property - Moscow Rostov State University of Economics Russian ...
Ph.D Programmes Accreditation 3/23/2023 ... out of the Sphere of Material Production /Public Administration/ 27.05.2021 г. 9,60       3.7 Administration and Management Social Management 03.09.2020 г. 9,78 Administration and Management /Regional ...
Networks 1/12/2023 ... of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe /NISPAcee/                         Taiwan Environmental Information Association /TEIA/             ...
International Organizations 7/15/2019 ... (ECPR)Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee)European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)European Patent ...
European Business and Finance 6/14/2017 ... , central and local authorities of public administration and others.   About the Program Requirements for Applicants Schedule and Deadlines Financial Terms Program Specification Course Curriculum     Contacts: Course coordinator   for ...
About the Program 6/14/2017 ... , central and local authorities of public administration and others.   Diploma Graduates will receive diplomas for Educational-qualification Degrea - Master of Science  in Economics from UNWE and from Nottingham Trent University – Great Britain. The study ...
Doctoral programs 7/10/2017 ... out of the sphere of material production (Public Administration) Social Management 3.8. Economics Political Economy Finance, Currency, Credit and Insurance Statistics and Demography Accounting, control and analysis of economic ...
Professional fields and specialities 10/31/2014 ... , corporations, holding companies, public administration, manufacturing and financial institutions, banks, insurance companies, public sector entities. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Prepares qualified specialists in management of local and state government structures and economic ...
Local Partners 1/22/2024 ... and Sociology /IPS/ - BASInstitute of Public Administration /IPA/  Institute of Social Studies and Cultural Structures Development /ISIRCS/Intellectica Ltd.Intelligent Systems BulgariaJapanese-Bulgarian Business Association /JBBA/Karoll Knowledge FoundationKaufland ...
Specialties 3/22/2024 ... 2. Public Administration             3. Regional Development VІ. Economics Macroeconomics Economics Political Economy Economics of Human Resources Insurance and Social Affair Economic ...
Specialties 8/8/2024 ... all professional fields Public Administration– 2 semesters.   Graduated specialists from all professional fields Regional Business and Management – 2 semesters.   Graduated specialists from all professional ...
Fees 7/10/2023 ... , Regional Development, Public Administration) 300.00 BGN Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Sciences  (speciality Sociology) 400.00 BGN Political Sciences  (specialities: Politics, European politics and economics, ...
Specialities 9/11/2012 ... Administration Healthy Management specialization             Х   Public ...
Specialities 9/11/2012 ... 2. Public Administration             3. Regional Development VІ. Economics Political Economy Macroeconomics Economics Economics of Human Resources Insurance and Social ...
History 2/1/2012 ... in the areas of business and public administration, in international companies, consultancy organizations, specialized agencies, financial institutions and international organizations. The successful realization of the training process is further ...
History 2/1/2012 ... and Strategic Planning” „"Public Administration and Regional Development” "Management" The academic staff includes 51 teachers: 7 professors, out of which: 2 Doctors of Economic Sciences, 1 Doctor of Sociological Sciences and 4 Doctors in ...
History 2/1/2012 ... of management in enterprises and public administration. LINKS TO ONLINE RESOURCES OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ...
History 2/1/2012 ... , management of infrastructure projects and public administration. The Faculty prepares specialists and managers for the most fast-developing sector of the Bulgarian economy – the infrastructure, where the majority of the budget investments and the investments from EU funds are ...
Business Informatics 1/31/2012 ... , at the software companies, at the state and public administration, financial institutions and banks as well as at the consulting companies dealing with the project, establishment and maintenance of information systems ...
Finance and Accountancy 1/31/2012 ... can work in the following spheres: banking system, public administration, capital markets, insurance and social security, financial-accounting subdivisions of enterprises, financial control. The academic plan for Bachelor`s degree on Economics – speciality Finance and Accountancy is in line with the ...
History 2/3/2012 ... professional realization in the control systems of public administration (National Revenue Agency, Customs Administration, the National Audit Office, the Public Financial Inspection Agency, BNB, Financial Supervision Commission, etc.) and in units of the internal control in the public and private ...
History 2/3/2012 ... Administration and Regional Development” Department was established in 1997. At the moment, 396 students study in the Department. Graduates can find professional realization in the higher state bodies of the legislative, executive and judiciary structures such as the Council of ...
History 2/3/2012 ... , methodologists in finance, senior managers in public administration, members of management and supervisory bodies in banks, experts and chief experts, heads of financial services of firms, government agencies, lecturers and researchers ...
Projects 6/23/2017 ... , "Economic sociology", "Public administration and regional development" 2011-2013   Проект по 7 РП: EU WISE Grant Agr. Number: 279081 prof. Elka Todorova - Head of project 2011-2013   Междуинституционална координация и екипност ...
Research 6/26/2017 ... field of economic sociology and psychology as well as in public administration. 3. To support the integration of science, education and economic practice in Bulgaria to the European and world achievements in the field of interdisciplinary research, development and implementation of public policies. 4. To promote ...
Specialities 1/31/2012 ... economic activity that in particular includes state and public administration, financial institutions and banks, companies and educational institutions where they can work as developers, administrators and incorporators of information systems, project managers and many others ...
Specialities 6/23/2017 ... and the other areas of society - governance, politics, public administration, education, culture, security, communications, ecology, legal system, civic and informal organizations, social movements.   PROFESSIONAL REALISATION AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONTINUED TRAINING The bachelors in Sociology have ...
Specialities 6/5/2012 ... can work in the following areas: - banking system; - public administration; - capital markets; - insurance; - social insurance; - financial businesses services; - financial control; - investment companies; etc. “Finance” Specialty also provides training for PhDs. Its main aim is to stimulate the activities on ...
Specialities 2/16/2012 ... for professional development in the control systems of public administration /Public Revenue Agency, Customs Administration, National Audit Office, the Public Financial Inspection Agency, Financial Supervision Commission, etc./ as well as in the internal control units in the public and private sectors. However ...
MASTER PROGRAMMES 8/3/2023 ... one in 'International Business' from UNWE and another in 'Public Administration' from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Pursuant to the agreement between the two universities, Bulgarian students cover tuition fees for the first two semesters at UNWE, while for the third and fourth semesters, they pay tuition fees to ...
Membership in Organizations 4/5/2013 ... Research (ECPR), Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee), Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU), European University Association (EUA), European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), European ...
International Organizations 2/24/2015 ... (ECPR) The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & ...
Universities 5/7/2024 ... the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration /RANEPA/ Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin Penza State University Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property - Moscow Rostov State University of Economics Russian Customs Academy - ...
Foreign Students 8/2/2012 ... and Social Affairs; Marketing; Business Administration; Public Administration; Finance; Accountancy; and many others ...
Specialities 8/2/2012 ... , Haskovo     х 1.2 Public Administration and Health Management specialization х 1.21 Public Administration and Health Management specialization - Regional Center for Distance Learning, Haskovo   х   1.3 Public ...
Professional Fields and Specialities 10/18/2013 ... .7.2. Public Administration       3.7.3. Regional Development   3.8. Economics     3.8.1 Sub-Field of Economics and Business Political ...
Accredited Doctoral Degree Programmes 3/9/2023 ... and Management beyond the Sphere of Material Production /Public Administration/ Management Project Management 3.8. Economics Political Economy /Microeconomics & Macroeconomics/ Finance, Money in Circulation, Lending and Insurance Statistics, Econometrics ...
Professional Fields and Specialities for Bachelor`s Degree 7/11/2017 ... .7.2. Public Administration       3.7.3. Regional Development   3.8. Economics     3.8.1 Sub-Field of Economics and Business Political ...
Grantors 6/22/2020 ... of Public Administration and European Integration Bulgarian Institute for Analyses and Surveys Foundation SIGMA /Economic Collaboration and Development Organization/ United Nations Programme for Development, Bulgaria ...


74 results found
Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice-Rector: Our University Gives a Second Chance to Raise the Grade from the Matriculation Examination 7/22/2024 ... specialities Business Administration, Public Administration and Regional Development in their preferred distance learning form of education. The new speciality Health and Business Tourism and Economics /with foreign languages/ will be studied in distance form of education. For ...
Prof. Polya Katsamunska Participated in the NISPAcee Annual International Scientific Conference in Tbilisi 6/3/2024 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department participated in the 32nd Annual International Conference on Public Administration of NISPAcee /Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe/ which was held in Tbilisi, ...
Prof. Polya Katsamunska Participated in an International Commission on Accreditation of Public Administration Education and Training Programmes – ICAPA of Fairleigh Dickenson University in the USA and Canada 4/18/2024 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department participated in an expert group of the International Commission on Accreditation of Public Administration Education and Training Programmes – ICAPA for the accreditation of Master's degree programmes of ...
Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova: Each Prospective Student Could Request an Individual Online or In-person Consultation 4/10/2024 ... programme in Business Administration, Public Administration and Regional Development, which can be studied in the distance form of education preferred by many prospective students. For the first time the speciality Business Administration will be taught in English. The guiding ...
Public Lecture on the Parliamentary Democracy for Good Public Governance Was Held at the UNWE 4/2/2024 ... UNWE Public Administration Department at Management and Administration Faculty organized a public lecture on the Parliamentary Democracy for Good Public Governance with lecturer Pavela Mitova, Member of Parliament in the 49th National Assembly, holder of degree in Political ...
Public Lecture by Vanya Grigorova: Where Our Money Goes – the Private Pension Funds Management 3/13/2024 ... Public Administration Department organized public lecture Where Our Money Goes - the Private Pension Funds Management with lecturer Vanya Grigorova, Municipal Counsellor in Sofia Municipal Council. Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice-Rector for Institutional and ...
A Graduate of UNWE Is the New Chairman of Sofia Municipal Council 2/9/2024 ... has completed Bachelor's degree in Public Administration and Master's degree in Administration Management at the UNWE. In 2009 he has been Head of the Credit Control Team at CableTel where he led the team responsibel for the preparation, organization, and collection of debts. ...
UNWE and Service Centrix Ltd. Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 1/18/2024 ... and research in information technology, public administration and local government", said the Rector. "We could provide better opportunities for career development and realization for your students through visits of our clients - banks, large corporations and state and municipal ...
The New Deans of the Faculties at Our University 1/15/2024 ... and Strategic Planning Department, Public Administration Department and the Regional Development Department. Prof. Dr. Nadia Mironova has been Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty, Head of the Management Department and Scientific Secretary of the Department. She is ...
UNWE Obtained the Trademark for the Best Administration 1/16/2024 ... on the administrative capacity of the public administration in Bulgaria have been conducted. The will of the donor is for UNWE to continue developing these initiatives. Prof. D.Sc. Borislav Borisov awarded the Certificate of Donation to the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov ...
The Team Winner in the ENGAGE.EU Expedition Week at UNWE Was Announced 10/21/2023 ... , lecturer at the Public Administration Department at UNWE, who was also a presenter and moderator of the event. The student teams worked on real cases set by the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria /NAMB/ and the Sports and Youth ...
The ENGAGE.EU Expedition Week Began at the UNWE 10/18/2023 ... Gorchilova, Head of the Public Administration Department and Chair of the organizing team, also greeted the students and added: "I would like to introduce you the mentors who will support your teams in their work, namely Dr. Francesco Leone from the ...
The Rector Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 7/17/2023 ... services to support business, public administration and academic circles. The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov explained about the international relations that UNWE maintains, about the dual programmes with universities from all over the world. The Rector Prof. ...
The Rector Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Institute of Robotics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for Collaboration in the Field of Security and Defence 7/11/2023 ... services to support business, public administration and academia. Prof. Dimitrov expressed his conviction that this Memorandum would expand the cooperation between the institutions precisely for the benefit of the development of opportunities for research and ...
National Survey Finds Out That the Administrative Capacity of State Administration Declines 7/11/2023 ... Svishtov and the Institute of Public Administration at Bulgarian Council of Ministers. The survey is conducted for the sixth consecutive time and in the current year 54 administrations were involved. The event was attended by representatives of ministries, ...
The Rector Awarded a Prize for Responsible Trade to Kaufland Bulgaria at a Ceremony of the UN Global Compact Bulgarian Network 7/17/2023 ... Master of UNWE in Finance and Public Administration. "We are small and medium as entrepreneurs but we can add value to global business and initiatives", said Mr. Santorelli. Dimitar Tsotzorkov awarded the second grand prize in the Business category to Spyros ...
Four of the Ministers in the 102nd Bulgarian Government are from the UNWE 6/12/2023 ... is a Doctoral student at the Public Administration Department of UNWE. He has Master's degree in Political Science from St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia. He has Master's degree in Political Science from the UNWE. He has more than ten years of ...
UNWE Lecturers Presented the University at the International Erasmus+ Week 2023 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 5/17/2023 ... . Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the International Erasmus+ Week organized by Singidunum University in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, during the period 8-12 May 2023. Group photo of participants in the ...
Public Lecture on Democracy Delivered H. E. Alfredo Atanasoff, Ambassador of Argentina to Bulgaria 4/26/2023 ... International Commission for Public Administration Accreditation, lecturers from the Departments of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics and Public Administration as well as many other lecturers, students and guests. Prof. Dr. Daniela ...
Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska Won an International Award 3/13/2023 ... . Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department of UNWE. Guests of Honour at the 8th Annual Women's Meet: Dr. Ariane Mézard, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France, Dr. Anne Raffin, National University of Singapore, Dr. ...
The Team Winner of the ENGAGE.EU Competition for Secondary School Students Was Selected 10/28/2022 ... , Scientific Secretary of the Public Administration Department and Chief Assist. Dr. Kristian Zhelev, lecturer at the International Economic Relations and Business Department presented to the participants the regulations of the Competition. The Rector gave the ...
Competition for Secondary School Students within the European University ENGAGE.EU 10/5/2022 ... , Scientific Secretary of the Public Administration Department of UNWE welcomed the participants and expressed thankfulness for the nice and cheerful atmosphere with which they were welcomed. "The ENGAGE.EU network is a very interesting opportunity and has put ...
UNWE Participated in the European Cyber Security Month 9/28/2022 ... at more and more levels, the public administration and all state institutions, businesses and citizens are obliged to pay more and more attention to personal and institutional cybersecurity. The role of the state is very important as progress implies ...
Delegation of UNWE Lecturers Visited a Moroccan University under the Erasmus+ Programme 7/1/2022 ... - Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska, Public Administration Department, Prof. Dr. Daniela Koch-Kozhuharova, Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics Department and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Tosheva, Statistics and Econometrics Department - visited the Ibn Tofail ...
The Rector and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco Discussed the Student Exchange on the Erasmus+ Programme 3/22/2022 ... Katsamunska from the Department of Public Administration - Member of the International Commission on the Accreditation of Public Administration - ICAPA /on the left/ Prof. Dimitrov highlighted the leading positions of our university in the Bulgarian and European ...
UNWE Is the Only University Having A Pro Bono Volunteering Initiative 1/19/2022 ... Gorchilova-Atanasova from the Public Administration Department who is a member of the project consortium and organizes pro bono workshops in the country tells on the pages of the UNWE newspaper what the pro bono volunteering means. "Volunteering is an opportunity to ...
19 Universities from 7 Countries at the International Conference on the Strategic Planning and Marketing in Digital World 12/7/2021 ... of Kyiv - Ukraine; Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus; Department of National Economics and Public Administration - Belarus, National Aviation University - Ukraine. The major objective of the scientific ...
The Economics Department Presented Its Annual Conference on the Economic Challenges: Crisis, Recovery, Sustainability 11/17/2021 ... . Dr. Alexander Valkov, Head of the Public Administration Department, made a special note in his greeting that the Forum integrates searchings in three directions - research, practical economics and training - which is appropriate for a university with 100-years of ...
Another Two UNWE Graduates Are Ministers in the Cabinet “Yanev 2” 9/23/2021 ... also holds Master's degree in Public Administration from the Harvard University and Master's degree in Financial and Banking Techniques from the University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. Hristo Alexiev – Interim Minister of Transport, ...
Opening of the Academic Year 2021/2022 on 20 September 9/16/2021 ... . Dr. Nadya Mironova Specialty "Public Administration" - Hall 4053 - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Valkov Specialty "Regional Development" - Hall 2122 - 2123 - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Nikolov   ECONOMICS OF INFRASTRUCTURE FACULTY Specialty "Economics of Trade" - ...
UNWE Will Participate in Establishing a National Competence Center in the Area of HPC, HPDA and Artificial Intelligence 4/5/2021 ... users from science, industry, public administration, and society. These NCCs will coordinate activities in all HPC-related fields at national level and will serve as a contact point for customers from industry, science, (future) HPC experts, and the general public ...
Another International Recognition for Professor from the UNWE 4/4/2021 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamuska from the Public Administration Department is the only Bulgarian woman re-elected for a second consecutive term in the International Commission on the Accreditation of Public Administration and Training Programs – ICAPA. At its session, ...
UNWE Lecturer in the International Commission on Accreditation of Master’s in Public Administration of Uganda Management Institute 3/25/2019 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the International Commission on Accreditation of Master’s in Public Administration of Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Republic of Uganda. More than 3 000 students from ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in Scientific Conference on Public Administration 5/28/2018 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the traditional Annual Conference of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) where the UNWE is an institutional member. The ...
Information Seminar on the Project Dynamic Europe 4/18/2018 ... . Dr. Alexander Valkov, Head of the Public Administration Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Denitsa Gorchilova, Scientific Secretary of the Public Administration Department, Dr. Violeta Zlatkova, lecturer at the Department, Tsvetomira Georgieva, Coordinator for Europe 2018 ...
Public Lecture by H.E. Stefano Baldi, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Bulgaria 11/28/2017 ... Public Administration Department organized a public lecture by H.E. Stefano Baldi, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Bulgaria. His lecture was entitled BULGARIA & ITALY in 10 indicators: GETTING TO KNOW THE COUNTRIES THROUGH INTERNATIONAL RANKINGS. At the ...
Scientific Applied Conference: Ministry of Interior 2030: Challenges to Security Policies 11/9/2017 ... . In the Forum organized by the Public Administration Department, National Security Department and Society and Safety Foundation took part representatives of academic community, non-governmental and branch organizations as well as students.   In ...
Students from the UNWE Discussed the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council 10/30/2017 ... . The event was organized by the Public Administration Department with the support of Sofia Municipality, Programme Europe 2017 and M.O.S.T. NGO. At the Forum attended Assoc. Prof. Dr. Denitsa Gorchilova, Scientific Secretary of the Public Administration Department, ...
Training Programme for American Students at the UNWE 10/6/2017 ... The project is administered by the Public Administration Department and Coordinator for the Training Programme is Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska. The topic of the 4th consecutive one week Training Programme is: Bulgaria in the EU: The Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in the International Commission on Accreditation of Vocational Training Programme for Administration in France 10/5/2017 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the Expert Commission on International Accreditation of Training Programme for Local Government Administration Directors in France. The Training Programme is held by the Institut National ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in the International Accreditation Commission of ISCTE - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal 10/5/2017 ... Commission on Accreditation of Public Administration Education and Training Programs (ICAPA), Brussels, Belgium, Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the Expert Commission on International Accreditation of the Programme ...
Round Table Conference on The Consumer Rights in The Digital Sphere 6/13/2017 ... Communications Department and the Public Administration Department organized Round Table Conference on the Consumer Rights in the Digital Sphere. In the Forum took part representatives of the academic circles, IT sector, Commission on Consumer Protection, Professional ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and The State E-Government Agency 5/11/2017 ... the information technologies and public administration, declared Zhelyazkov. I believe that our partnership will be exclusively successful and it will be fruitful for our students, outlined Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics ...
Lecture on The Health Policy and Health Management – Challenges of The Reform 5/10/2017 ... entitled Open Semester the Public Administration Department organized a lecture on the Health Policy and Health Management – Challenges of the Reform. Guest-lecturer was Prof. Dr. Petko Salchev from the National Center for Public Health and Analyses (NCPHA) ...
Lecturer from The UNWE in The Commission on International Accreditation of American University in Cairo, Egypt 4/10/2017 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the Experts Commission on International Accreditation of Master`s degree programmes in Public Administration (MPA) and Public Policies (MPP) of the American University in Cairo, Egypt. ...
Public Lecture on The Non-Profit Organizations and Formation of Highly Effective Teams 3/30/2017 ... Foundation. The event was organized jointly with the Public Administration Department and the Foundation and it was held in the Small Conference Hall. At the lecture attended Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Valkov, Head of the Public Administration Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Denitsa Gorchilova, Scientific ...
Third One Week Tuition for Students from The Florida International University at the UNWE 10/24/2016 ... and students. The project is administrated by the Public Administration Department and Coordinator of Tuition Programme is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska. Assoc. Prof. Katsamunska, Prof. Rosenbaum, Prof. Stattev and Assoc. Prof. Valkov (from the left to the right) At the ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Participated in The Managing Body of International Project in Mexico 9/28/2016 ... . Prof. Dr. Polya Kastamunska from the Public Administration Department participated as one of the Managers in a joint international project between the Institute for Public Management and Community Service, Florida International University, USA and the National Federation of Municipalities in Mexico ...
The Honorary Title for Research Activity Was Awarded to A Lecturer from The UNWE by American University 7/15/2016 ... . Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department obtained an international recognition for her research activity at the Florida International University, USA. She was awarded the Honorary title for research activity Distinguished Senior Research Scholar by the American university at the ...
Public Lecture on The Rotation Chairmanship of EU Council in 2018 - National Engagement with European Dimension 5/11/2016 ... Pavel Ivanov, Executive Director of the Institute of Public Administration (IPA). The initiative was part of the Open Semester for students from the specility Public Administration and the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Council of Ministers administration, IPA and universities having the speciality ...
Open Semester of The Public Administration Department 4/15/2016 ... Public Administration Department initiative entitled Open Semester was held in the Large Conference Hall of the university. Guest-lecturer at the event was Alexander Mihaylov from the Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR). He presented to students the topic Civil Participation in the Forming and ...
A New Stage in The Scientific Cooperation between The UNWE and RANEPA in The Field of Migrant Policy 2/5/2016 ... Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Head of the newly established Department of Migrant Policy and Demographic Security. She was accompanied by Dr. Yanko Yanakiev, recent Head of the Office of Trade and Economic Affairs at Bulgarian Embassy in the Russian ...
Public Lecture about The Presidential Elections in The USA and The Future of The American Politics 10/29/2015 ... Conference Hall. The meeting was organized by the Public Administration Department. It was part of the tuition programme of UNWE for American students from the Florida International University (FIU), Maiami, USA.   Assoc. Prof. Polya Katsamunska is presenting the lecturer David ...
Tuition for American Students at The UNWE 10/29/2015 ... . The tuition is organized by the proposal of the Public Administration Department in the frameworks of curriculum for the PAD Course „Multilevel Governance Issues and the European Union: the Case of Bulgaria”. At the official opening of the tuition attended Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev ...
40th Anniversary of The International Economics and Politics Faculty 10/6/2015 ... for preparation of professionals in the field of public administration and non-governmental sector and the Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics Department, pointed out Prof. Stattev. The Rector outlined that over the last four decades the Faculty had kept and developed with dignity the academic ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Took Part in An International Expert Commission 6/17/2015 ... to 13 June Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in a procedure on international accreditation of Public Administration Programmes at the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University-Newark, USA. At national level according to the U ...
International Scientific Practical Conference on The Current Issues of Rights in The Legislation of Russia and Bulgaria 4/21/2015 ... Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between both institutions in January 2014. The Forum was implemented through a live video connection. The Conference was opened by Prof. Dr. Hristina Balabanova, ...
Information Meeting with The Fourth Year Students from The Speciality Public Administration 2/24/2015 ... with the fourth year students was organized by the Public Administration Department. Among the topics presented to graduating Bachelors were the internship during the summer semester before the graduation, preparation for a state exam, Master`s degree programmes provided by the Department ...
Scientific Forums of The Management Department 9/11/2014 ... for the three specialities Business Administration, Public Administration and Regional Development were created and 23 of the programmes in 2013/2014 academic year were probated. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petar Dimitrov (on the left), expert in the project, is commenting the issues. The Round ...
Memorandum between The UNWE and St. Petersburg North-West Institute of Management 1/13/2014 ... Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration or RANEPA was signed by Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of UNWE and Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Vladimir Shamahov, Director of St. Petersburg Institute. In the document is provisioned a broad academic cooperation between the ...
Scientific Forum on The Present and Future of Strategic Planning 12/16/2013 ... of plans and programmes, the interaction between the public administration and the academic and scientific research structures, regional strategic planning and programming, corporate planning under uncertainty and as a continuous process, outline in her speech Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova, Vice Rector of ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Is Elected for Member of The Commission for International Accreditation on Public Administration to The IASIA 12/16/2013 ... . Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration and Regional Development Department is the Bulgarian representative in the Commission of International Accreditation on Public Administration to the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) ...
Alumni 2013 Graduated from The Regional Center for Distance Learning - Haskovo 12/11/2013 ... , Business Administration, Accountancy and Control, Public Administration in distance form of learning, attended Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova, Vice Rector of UNWE on Education in EQD of Master and Distance Learning, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jivko Draganov, Director of the Regional Center for Distance Learning – ...
Training of American Students at Our University 11/5/2013 ... opened one week training of American students on Public Administration at our university. It is implemented on the base of the Memorandum for Cooperation between the UNWE and the Florida International University in Miami signed in 2012 to encourage the international academic and scientific exchange. ...
Discussions on The Updating of Academic Programmes in Professional Field of Administration and Management 9/25/2013 ... Instruments in the Management of 2013 and the Public Administration and Regional Development Department on the Globalism, Regionalism and Security which had been held at the Educational and Rehabilitation Facilities in Ravda. Participants in both ...
Lecturer from The UNWE – Adviser of The Minister of Defence 6/11/2013 ... Assistant Dr. Nikolai Tsonkov from the Public Administration and Regional Development Department is appointed as an adviser in the political cabinet of the Minister of Defence Angel Naydenov. Chief Assistant Dr. Nikolai Tsonkov with his students From 2008 he is a lecturer on Regional ...
At The UNWE Were Educated The First 56 Volunteers – Social Assistants 4/22/2013 ... , Economic Sociology, 13 ones are from the speciality Public Administration and 7 – from other specialities. The first volunteers-social assistants 56 of all applicants have passed the exam. These are the first volunteers-social assistants whose major task is helping the ...
Student Girl from Speciality Business Administration Became A Mayor for A Day 4/1/2013 ... with the experience of being managers in the public administration and private business ...
Minister Tomislav Donchev: Doctrina Multiplex, Veritas Una 12/12/2012 ... Development of Bulgaria which was organized by the Public Administration and Regional Development Department participated students, lecturers and a lot of guests. Statty Statev defined the Minister as one of the most valuable friends of the university and its serious supporter. He outlined the ...
Masters of Science with Successful Start in The Public Administration 12/13/2012 ... the assessment for Masters of Science from speciality Public Administration and speciality Regional Development (regular and distance form of learning) given by Prof. Dr. Hristo Hristov, Head of the Public Administration and Regional Development Department. He outlined the contribution of the lecturers to ...
Memorandum for Collaboration between The UNWE and The Foundation for Local Government Reform 11/29/2012 ... of the Memorandum on the part of our university is the Public Administration and Regional Development Department.  The Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev and Mr. Zdravko Sechkov after the signing of Memorandum. The Rector determined the memorandum as a consecutive step which ...
Attestation for Their Profession Received Graduates from Speciality Regional Development 11/20/2012 ... ceremony were given diplomas to Bachelors from the Public Administration and Regional Development Department. This time at the Ceremonial Hall the holiday togas were put on by the graduates from speciality Regional Development. “It is one of the most important moments in your life because you become ...
Good Luck to The Bachelors from the Speciality Public Administration 11/21/2012 ... and sixty Bachelors of Science from the speciality Public Administration received their diplomas at an official ceremony at the Ceremonial Hall. “There are some moments in life which we remember for a long time, may be even forever. I think that the graduation ceremony is one of those moments, said ...
Regional Development Speciality Marked Its Fifth Anniversary by An International Scientific Conference 10/17/2012 ... of the Rector of UNWE and it was organized by the Public Administration and Regional Development Department.                     The Minister Dobrev promised  to realize in practice the good academic ideas. The Minister on Economy, ...


13 results found
13th International Conference on the Contemporary Economic Policy and European Union Accession Process 3/24/2022 ... , Management Information Systems, Marketing, Public Administration, Econometrics, Statistics, Operations Research and Social Services. The proceedings book including abstracts or full papers will also be issued and the articles selected by the Scientific Committee will be forwarded to ...
8th Autumn Academy "Administration and Management: #University2030" 11/16/2021 ... #University2030"q organized by the Public Administration Department jointly with the Regional Development Department and Management Department of UNWE 19 November 2021  10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. MS teams For further information click ...
5th International Scientific Conference on Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – ERAZ 2019 4/19/2019 ... , business sector, government sector, public administration, chambers of commerce and others - 75 Eur* - Postgraduate students - 65 Eur* - Undergraduate students Pay using our PayPal account, send us an email for more information. Attention: The costs of the money transfer by ...
7th SCF International Conference on Future of European Union and Turkey-EU Relations 3/1/2019 ... , Management Information Systems, Marketing, Public Administration, Econometrics, Statistics, Operations Research and Social Services. Abstract book and full paper proceedings including all the papers presented in the conference will be issued. Furthermore, the articles selected by the ...
Institutionalization of Public Administration in Ukraine under the Euro Integration and Global Challenges - Annual All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation 2/12/2019 ... ACADEMY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE  «Institutionalization of public administration in Ukraine under the Euro integration and global challenges» Annual All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international ...
3rd International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management - EMAN 2019 2/7/2019 ... , business sector, government sector, public administration, chambers of commerce and others- 75 Eur (9.000 dinars for participants from Serbia)* - Postgraduate students (must submit studying certificate - all coauthors of paper should be undergraduate or postgraduate students)- 65 Eur ...
Open Semester of the Public Administration Department 5/11/2018 ... more information click ...
International Scientific Conference on The Regional Development of Bulgaria: Tendencies and Perspectives 5/11/2012 ... Economy Management and Administration Faculty Public Administration and Regional Development Department INVITATION For Participation in International Scientific Conference on: The Regional Development of Bulgaria: Tendencies and Perspectives Under The Patronage of Rector of UNWE Prof. D ...
International Scientific Conference on The Regional Development of Bulgaria: Tendencies and Perspectives 5/10/2012 ... Economy Management and Administration Faculty Public Administration and Regional Development Department INVITATION For Participation in International Scientific Conference on: The Regional Development of Bulgaria: Tendencies and Perspectives Under The Patronage of Rector of UNWE Prof. ...

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