Prof. Polya Katsamunska Participated in the NISPAcee Annual International Scientific Conference in Tbilisi

Friday, 31 May 2024 17:15

Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department participated in the 32nd Annual International Conference on Public Administration of NISPAcee /Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe/ which was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the period 23-25 May 2024.

The NISPAcee is a network of institutes and schools in the field of public management and administration that was established in 1994 with the mission to promote and strengthen the effective and democratic governance and to modernize the public administration in Central and Eastern Europe through education, training and research. Today more than 100 universities in the region are members of NISPAcee, and in the field of public administration, it also works closely with global organizations such as EGPA, EAPAA, IASIA-IIAS, UN DESA, ASPA, NASPAA, etc. The participation in the NISPAcee forums is open to all institutional, associate and individual members of the organization. Through the Public Administration Department the UNWE has been an institutional member of NISPAcee for more than two decades.

The NISPAcee holds research conferences annually to provide a forum and encourage the exchange of information and developments in the theory and practice of public administration. These scientific forums are aimed at scholars, experts and practitioners in the field of public administration from Central and Eastern Europe, including the Russian Federation, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The NISPAcee Annual Conference for 2024 was on the Public Administration in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and it was organized in collaboration with Caucasus University /CU/, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Participants in the 32nd NISPAcee Annual Conference at Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Caucasus University /CU/ in Tbilisi offers numerous international programmes, practically oriented training and a high level of education in the three degrees of study /Bachelor, Master and PhD/. For that reason 98% of Caucasus University graduates and 80% of current students find good professional employment in the public and business sectors as well as in international companies and organizations throughout Georgia and the world. Caucasus University is a private university established in 1998 with the financial support of the US State Department and in partnership with Georgia State University /Atlanta, Georgia, USA/. Since its establishment Caucasus University has collaborated with various universities around the world, and today actively develops various forms of partnership with over 200 universities and organizations in over 60 countries worldwide. This enables it to host international students and faculty, offer dual degree programs, and exchange programmes for students, academic and administrative staff.

The NISPAcee Conference for 2024 was attended by over 200 scientists, researchers, PhD students and practitioners from the CEE region who participated in the scientific discussions with papers and presentations. The topic was relevant, especially for Georgia, because the reform of public administration is a key component of the Association Agreement with the European Union and stands as a major issue in the process of accession negotiations. At the same time, the Conference offered Georgian scholars and experts another unique opportunity to integrate more fully into the European professional community of public management and administration.

In the Central Lobby of Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia

The Conference Programme included plenary sessions on the main topic and thematic discussions in working groups on the current issues of public administration. Within the framework of the Conference nine working groups were established and worked permanently on leading issues of public governance and administration, such as Local Government, Digital Government, Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA, Politico-Administrative Relations in CEE, Public Administration Education, The Rule of Law and Public Administration, etc. In addition, the programme included seminars and panel discussions on topics related to Georgia and the region, attended by key international partners with interests in public administration.

Prof. Polja Katsamunska took part in the 32nd NISPAcee Annual Conference with a report on the Good Governance, Public Service Leadership of Women and Public Administration Education: What is the Relationship? which was delivered in the plenary session of WG7: Public Administration Education. Prof. Katsamunska also participated in the Business meeting where the NISPAcee activity report for 2023 - 2024 was presented and approved as well as in the panel Meeting with Editors of CEE Public Administration and Policy Journals where the opportunities for publications in scientific journals and the requirements of scientific journals to authors and their work were discussed.

Part of the panel Meeting with Editors of CEE Public Administration and Policy Journals

The NISPAcee Annual Conferences traditionally provide for participants a rich and varied social and cultural programme. In the current year the scientific part was complemented and enriched with cultural events organized by Caucasus University presenting part of the culture and traditions of Georgia.

Concert for NISPAcee Annual Conference participants


Photo gallery from Prof. Polya Katsamunska Participated in the NISPAcee Annual International Scient ...