13th International Conference on the Contemporary Economic Policy and European Union Accession Process
13th International Conference on the Contemporary Economic Policy and European Union Accession Process will be held in University of Belgrade - Faculty of Economics in Belgrade/Serbia during the period 23-24 May 2022 in collaboration with Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Belgrade Faculty of Economics, and ASECU (Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region)
For detailed information see the Conference website.
The main theme of the Conference is about contemporary economic policy and the European Union accession process. A special session entitled Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability in the post Covid-19 World will be conducted in the context of the Conference and the selected papers will be published in a special issue of Sustainability (indexed in Social Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, and Scopus; Impact Factor:3.251, Citescore 3.9 Scopus) after peer-review.
For detailed information about the special issue see here.
Furthermore, the Conference is open to all topics from main tracks of Economics, Public Finance, Accounting & Finance, Management, Tourism Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Public Administration, Econometrics, Statistics, Operations Research and Social Services.
The proceedings book including abstracts or full papers will also be issued and the articles selected by the Scientific Committee will be forwarded to the conference journals indexed at international databases.