Search results for Scholarships







10 results found
Administrative Procedures for Education in Doctoral Programmes at UNWE 3/11/2024 ... phone number +359 2 81 95 256 Scholarships Sector – office 1013 / phone number +359 2 81 95 325 Scientific Council and Contests Sector – office 2038 / phone number +359 2 81 95 390    ...
Opportunities 1/13/2021 ...      France Scholarships - French Institute in Bulgaria Information about the scholarships: here 2020/2021 Scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 2021/2022 Website: 2020 & ...
Financial terms 6/14/2017 ... + Program – provides 6 scholarships of 500 EUR/month for the whole period of study in Nottingham during the 3rd semesters. The scholarships are given to the student who obtained highest average marks during the 1st and 2nd semester in UNWE.   ...
European scholarships 6/1/2017 ... ...
Frequently Asked Questions 1/31/2019 ... Bulgaria. Q. Are you offering scholarships for this programme? A. It is good to know that our University does not provide fellowships or scholarship for this programme.  Maybe you should try to find some funding opportunities as Partnership for ...
Scholarships 8/29/2024 ... Scholarships can obtain the foreign students studying in regular form of education under the inter–governmental agreements for educational, scientific and cultural exchange or under the rules in the Decrees of the Ministers ...
Common Information 3/4/2013 ... Dormitories and Canteens Scholarships Health Insurance WEB Student Library Students Council and Other Student Organizations Mobility Inter-University Center for Career Development Institutions Guide-Book of Sofia and ...
Contacts 7/23/2024 ... 379; (+3592) 8195 579 Scholarships Phone: (+3592) 8195 325; Dormitories Phone: (+3592) 816 5858; (+3592) 816 5862; (+3592) 816 5857; (+3592) 816 5853; (+3592) 816 5854; Foreign Students Division  е-mail: [email protected] ...
№ МУ-ФС-10 12/12/2012 ... of Education and Science “Scholarships for young scholars preparing a Ph.D. study in a national corporate structure” competition Information about an additional funding - Total value of the project BGN 220 000 ...
Scholarships 2/16/2012 ... awards and aids at UNWE Rules for the granting of scholarships at UNWE Application form – Declaration for granting of a scholarship Important guidelines for the candidates for scholarships for the summer term of the academic year 2010/2011 Scholarships of the Ministry of Education, Youth and ...


52 results found
A Student from the UNWE Master's Degree Programme Won a Scholarship from ISPA 6/3/2024 ... partner of UNWE awarded also the traditional scholarships in the name of Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dobrev, the second Rector of UNWE, founder and patriarch of accounting science in Bulgaria. ISPA President Boyko Kostov is awarding the prize The scholarships established in the names of the ...
UNWE and TEREM-HOLDING EAD Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 4/18/2024 ... classes, business academies, internships, and paid scholarships", said the Rector of UNWE. The Executive Director Kalin Dimitrov expressed his readiness TEREM to help the students to acquire technical business skills by organizing internships and trainings in the divisions of the holding, and on the other ...
Kaufland Celebrates Its 18th Anniversary at the UNWE 4/1/2024 ... , conduct internships in the company, receive scholarships, and even find their first job there", said the Rector expressing his contentment with the fact that the University has partnered with the leader of the modern trade in the country which is also the largest private employer in the ...
Maxima Aula Was Crowded for the Premiere of Film about Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dobrev - the Patriarch of Accounting in Bulgaria Organized by the Accountancy and Analysis Department 3/27/2024 ... pictute on the left/ as well as one-time scholarships of 250 leva from the ICPA awarded by Boyko Kostov /the photo on the right/ All the attendees in Maxima Aula enjoyed the film Prof. Dimitar Dobrev - the Patriarch of Accounting in Bulgaria created by a team of BNT - Nikolay ...
The National Competition in Economics and Management of the Association of Economic Schools in Bulgaria Showed the Timeless Spirit of Knowledge Seekers 3/12/2024 ... with large companies that provide scholarships of 1500 - 2000 BGN. It is the first step in the material stimulation that we provide as No.1 business university to people making efforts for their development. In addition to the intangible incentive you should know that ...
Round Table Conference on the Role of Universities, Business, Politics and High Schools to Attract Young People to Tourism Was Held at Our University 1/23/2024 ... by giving them student loans and scholarships for education in the field of tourism. The relation between the business and school should be supported by the state. The educational institutions make efforts in this direscion, the municipalities alos do it because they ...
7 Students from the UNWE Won a Scholarship from Discordia 1/24/2024 ... and logistics companies. 7 scholarships are provided for the University for the academic year 2023/2024 - 2 scholarships for the Economics of Transport and Energy Department, 2 scholarships for the Logistics and Supply Chains Department and the other 3 ...
The UNWE Trustees Council and the Rector`s Managing Body Met with the Student Senate 10/19/2023 ... issues related to the student scholarships, upcoming joint initiatives and events to be organized by the UNWE Student Council were discussed. Regarding scholarships, the parties agreed on the common position that the student scholarships should be increased ...
The Higher Education Budget and Dormitory Renovations - Topic of the Meeting between the NRSC and the Rector of the UNWE 7/20/2023 ... order, the amount of salaries, scholarships, the renovation of dormitories and in general the amount of money for all expenses are not clear. There is a need for a comprehensive policy that takes into account all activities and aspects of the development of higher ...
The Ninth AESB National Meeting with the Directors of the Economic Schools Was Held at the UNWE Facilities in Ravda 7/25/2023 ... by providing internships, scholarships and cash prizes. "For business, a winner of an AESB National Competition is a guarantee of quality", outlined Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschian. She pointed out that for the first time in the current year the Association have ...
The Chief Executive Officer of the Transport and Logistics Giant DISCORDIA Delivered a Public Lecture 5/15/2023 ... also specific questions about the scholarships provided by DISCORDIA. Jean Waitillingham, Human Resources Director at DISCORDIA, explained that for a scholarship is applied with a grade in the final year of studies, an exam and an interview. The scholarships are annual ...
University Representatives Met with Students from Pravets, Botevgrad and Vidin 4/10/2023 ... and from the partner university. Scholarships are also available under the Erasmus+ Programme for studing abroad and the UNWE is also part of the elite European university network ENGAGE.EU. Another advantage of UNWE is the good material facilities, the renovated ...
Pupils from Three High Schools in Vratsa Visited the University 4/7/2023 ... ways with different types of scholarships that can cover semester fees and dormitory bills. We are the only university that did not increase the semester fees in the current year", said Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova and talked about the high level of digitalization ...
Day 5 of the Week of the Book Was Focused on the Historical Interpretation and Digital Transformation 4/3/2023 ... sale of the collection to provide scholarships to inspired, young women artists. The project Look Now, My Girl is aimed at adult women who are part of the Bulgarian education system as of the current year 2023 - graduates and students who can apply with ...
Students Graduated from the Dual Master Programme between the UNWE and the University of International Studies in Rome Were Awarded Diplomas 2/20/2023 ... . It is possible to apply for scholarships on the Erasmus+ Programme as well as for help from the municipality of Lazio in Rome. And, in fact, the living expenses of UNWE students while they study in Rome are fully covered. The other very important advantage of ...
Presentation of Еducational Еxchange Opportunities on Fulbright Programme 10/17/2022 ... Fulbright Scholarships and educational exchange opportunities for the academic year 2023-2024 were presented in the Large Conference Hall. The event was opened by the Rector of the UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and the Executive Director of the Fulbright ...
UNWE Students Won Scholarships by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants 4/21/2022 ... Ivanova and Amelia Filipova won scholarships named after the Presidents of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants /ICPA/ - Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dobrev and Prof. Dr. Stancho Cholakov. The scholarships are awarded to students distinguished by high academic ...
Round Table Conference on the Security for Business in Crysis Conditions /Economic, Energy and Cyber Aspects/ 4/18/2022 ... is encouraged by providing scholarships, by stimulating the creation of special programmes and training for lecturers. "I have Bachelor and Master degree from the UNWE but now when I am here again, I don't know how to define this emotion. It's ...
Five UNWE Students Won ICAEW Scholarships 1/10/2022 ... been approved for the programme. The scholarships cover the entire training in the three-year internationally recognized ICAEW ACA qualification. "The partnership between the UNWE and ICAEW has been built over a decade on the basis of mutual trust and freedom. We are grateful ...
UNWE Occupies the First Places in the Rating System of Higher Education Institutions in Bulgaria for 2021 12/7/2021 ... and their usability, building stock, scholarships whose averages of more than 10 000 students give a greater deviation in the result“, commented the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and explained that a working group was formed last year to analyze the criteria of the ...
Deputy Prime Minister Atanas Pekanov Presented the Opportunities for Educational Exchange of Fulbright Programme 10/29/2021 ... of Fulbright Scholarships: Opportunities for Educational Exchange through the Eyes of Atanas Pekanov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria was the title of the event that took place at the UNWE today. The lecture is organized jointly with the ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and Deloitte Bulgaria 5/31/2019 ... of student practices, internships and scholarships, cooperation in organizing international conferences to make popular the accounting and auditing profession, organization of Master`s degree programmes – it is provisioned in the Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE ...
Certificates for the Winners in the National Finance and Accountancy Competition and National Accountancy Contest 1/16/2019 ... and Vladimira Doneva would be given scholarships of 1500 BGN and for the following 10 participants it had been provided paid internship at the company. She outlined that the excellent participants are brilliant future employees of Coca Cola Hellenic. The company offers ...
Nine UNWE Student Girls Won Nelly and Robert Gibson Scholarship 12/13/2018 ... Robert Gibson have decided to grant scholarships to Bulgarian students achieved high academic results but having financial difficulties.Their objective is to help young people to continue their education ...
Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and Kreston BulMar Ltd. 4/30/2018 ... Ltd. as well as in ensuring students scholarships for Master`s degree programmes at the UNWE, practical trainings in accountancy, student practices and internships. Signing the Agreement of Cooperation the UNWE continues its policy to expand the contacts with authoritative ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and EY Bulgaria 3/9/2018 ... the field of student internships and scholarships, cooperation in the organization of international conferences in order to promote the accounting and auditing profession as well as in the organization of Master`s degree programmes. Coordinator for the implementation of the ...
UNWE Presented the First Project for Electronic Student Book 11/15/2017 ... the student status – grades, scholarships, health insurance, dormitories, all administrative services, academic schedule – sessions, lectures, exams, etc. There is also an application for smartphones to read the information in the E-Student Book, specified Prof. ...
Public Lecture on The Japanese Foreign Policy and Relations with Bulgaria 5/12/2017 ... educated in Japan through the state scholarships ...
First Meeting between The Rectors Managing Body and The New Student Council 5/4/2017 ... , electronic Student Book, dormitories, scholarships, etc. From the left to the right: Doctoral student Daniel Parushev, member of the Student Senate, Kristiyan Madzhurov, Chairman of the Student Council, Martin Petkov, Student Council ...
First Training Seminar of The Newly Elected Student Council 5/3/2017 ... and Aids (CGAA) and Commission on Scholarships of UNWE. Guest-lecturers at the Seminar were Chief Assist. Dr. Dragomir Stefanov, lecturer at the Real Estate Property Department, Chief Assist. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, lecturer at the Finance Department and former Executive ...
Representatives of Seven Chinese Universities Visited The UNWE 3/20/2017 ... declared their desire to provide full scholarships for students from the UNWE to study in Master`s degree and Doctoral degree programmes in China in the frameworks of the Initiative for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries (16+1) ...
Students from The UNWE Won An Essay Competition of Sutherland Global Services 3/7/2017 ... opportunity to apply also for European scholarships for special achievements. Dimitar Galabov expressed his thankfulness to the Rector and to Prof. Dimitrov for the successful cooperation. “We set up the ground but we should build up from now on. We are exclusively ...
Students from The UNWE Won The Scholarship of Nellie and Robert Gipson 10/15/2019 ... headquarters in New York awarded 104 scholarships for high academic achievements to students from families having law income. The funds are provided by the grantors Nellie and Robert Gipson. The requirements for the scholarship include high grades and law family income. At ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and UniCredit Bulbank 11/2/2016 ... the important resource for student scholarships, opportunity for the bank managers to know the young people better and the chance to share with them the necessary knowledge and ways of work. “This is what we, the bankers need. The better we know the young generation ...
Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and Sutherland Global Services Was Signed 6/27/2016 ... Global Services will provide scholarships, opportunities for education, internships and job for the young professionals. The Agreement is signed. Prof. Statty Stattev, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Dimitar Galabov, Zlatin Georgiev, Chief ...
Open Doors Day for Joint Master`s Degree Programme in European Business and Finance between The UNWE and Nottingham Trent University 5/17/2016 ... 250 BGN. There is an opportunity for scholarships on the Erasmus+ Programme and European scholarships. Students in the hall Assoc. Prof. Nenkov shared that so far the number of graduates from the Programme has been about 130 people. “In 2007 there ...
Students Seminar on The Mobility and Cooperation with The German Universities and German Academic Area 3/28/2016 ... education, requirements of admission, scholarships, conditions of life and studying at the country, etc. Dr. Mina Hubenova (on the right) and the presenter Vanya Tsolova Students asked lots of questions and obtained information about the ussues related to ...
The Ambassador of The Kingdom of Spain to Bulgaria H. E. Jose Luis Tapia Delivered A Public Lecture 12/4/2014 ... , information about education and scholarships, access to literature and various academic materials for lecturers and students. During the lecture The Director of Cervantes Institute Javier Valdivielso outlined that the Spanish language is the second ...
Public Lecture on The Education of Women in Saudi Arabia: History and Development 4/7/2014 ... citizens and provide free education, scholarships, textbooks, health services for students and lecturers. Dr. Rahman commented also on the budget for the sector, financing of universities, endowment funds, new scholarship programme for education of women from Saudi Arabia ...
The First Scholarship Students of Economy of Bella Bulgaria Were Awarded 2/11/2014 ... Kiril Hadzhidinev. Accept these scholarships as a reward for your efforts but remember that to achieve what you dream, you must continue working, said Hadzhidinev pointing out that in the cooperation between the UNWE and the holding broad horizons had been opened. For ...
Our Student Won A Prestigious Scholarship 12/16/2013 ... of leaders in the competitions for scholarships in the names of the ten eminent Bulgarian scientists of international reputation and contribution to the Bulgarian and world science. The most prominent Bulgarian students met each other and exchanged information and ...
Prof. D.Sc. (Med.) Anelia Klisarova, Minister of Education and Science Met with Students 10/23/2013 ... economy and business. More funds for scholarships and internships are also provisioned, said she. The Minister of Education and Science Prof. D.Sc. (Med.) Anelia Klisarova (in the middle) is speaking to students from the university. Aneliya Klisarova ...
The Business and UNWE – Together in A European Project on Students Practices 9/24/2013 ... their practice and must receive their scholarships now. Nearly 3000 are their colleagues registered in the website of the Ministry of Education and Science who wish to participate in the project Student Practices co-financed by the European Social Fund where our university is ...
The Rector and Two Ministers Presented The Project E-Campus 5/27/2013 ... – the one is entitled Students Scholarships and the other  is - Students Practices. Both projects were presented by Orlin Kuzov, Director of the Information and Communication Technologies Directorate to the same Ministry. At the event at the Large Conference Hall ...
Open Doors Day at The Regional Center for Distance Learning - Haskovo 4/19/2013 ... and learnt about the opportunities for scholarships and work as well as about the advantages of distance education. At the aula at the Regional Center for Distance Learning – Haskovo on the Open Doors Day Those who wish to learn at the Regional Center for ...
Spring Students Scientific Session of UNWE 3/28/2013 ... young people and undertook to provide scholarships and internships at his company for students from the UNWE. Petya Dimitrova Nikolai Valkanov The Students Scientific Session continued working in four panels – Economy and Finance, Accountancy and ...
Our Lecturer – Chairwoman of The National Olympiad on Spanish Language Again 3/26/2013 ... the best results would be granted scholarships. Assoc. Prof. Kozhuharova is opening the Olympiad. Assoc. Prof. Kozhuharova wished to participants the hurricane wind which met them in the town to blow up not to die away the Olympic flame. On behalf of the ...
Two Students and A Doctoral Student from UNWE Won The BNB Scholarships for 2013 2/22/2013 ... main purpose of scholarships is to be supported students and doctoral students in specializing and elaboration of issues having great importance for the BNB activity and in perspective to be given them an opportunity for work at the Central ...
Information Meeting on A Project for Training of Doctoral Students 2/12/2013 ... of Doctoral students by scholarships, consultations with leading scientists), scientific research mobility in the country and abroad, contribution to the economic scientific knowledge (annual competition, conduction of a National Scientific Conference ...
Students Met with The Employers from More Than 30 Leading Companies during The Days of Career 11/22/2012 ... who have obtained European scholarships and we are here to support anyone of the young people who want to develop so as Bulgaria to have a better future, said the Deputy Minister. The National Employment Agency assessment about the initiative is very ...
UNWE Won A European Project for Distance Learning Development 11/10/2012 ... are provided for European scholarships of students. The Minister of Labour and Social Politics Totio Mladenov outlined that the distance learning was an opportunity for more people to acquire higher education. In the present academic year at the UNWE ...
First Place in The First Issue of The Competition for Young Auditor 9/14/2012 ... the first three winners were scholarships from the University of Insurance and Finance (organizer of the event) established by HLB Bulgaria Ltd. and Zaharinova & Partners Ltd. as well as one month internships at these two audit companies. Chairman of ...


16 results found
Scholarships for Master's Degree and Doctorate Degree Courses in Brazilian Universities in 2023 11/7/2022 ... /GCUB/ offers 785 scholarships in 50 universities in Brazil for Master's degree and Doctorate degree courses starting in 2023.                   More information on the Programme ...
National Scholarship Programme of Slovak Republic for Students, Lectirers and Reserchers from the Republic of Bulgaria 3/15/2022 ... on the webpage: as well HERE. Detailed information can also provide for you Mr. Ondrej Aradský at e-mail: [email protected] or telephone number: +421 2 5930 4733 ...
ICAEW Scholarships for UNWE Students – APPLY NOW 11/16/2021 ... ICAEW Full Scholarships for UNWE Students Submit an essay on „Why ICAEW Should Choose My Application for the ACA Independent Student Programme?“ to e-mail address [email protected].  Deadline for ...
DAAD Scholarships for 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 10/10/2019 ... more information click ...
DAAD Scholarships 2019-2020 9/25/2018 ... more information click ...
Contest for Evrika Foundation Scholarships 9/5/2018 ... more information click ...
Contest for EVRIKA Foundation Scholarships 9/29/2017 ... more information click ...
Scholarships by Konstantin and Zinovia Katsarovi Foundation 12/7/2015 ... more information click ...
Scholarships of The UniCredit & Universities Foundation 10/21/2013 ... more information click ...
Competition for Fulbright and Hubert Humphrey Scholarships 3/21/2013 ... more information click ...

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