Administrative Procedures for Education in Doctoral Programmes at UNWE
Doctoral students are admitted to a Ph.D programme by virtue of an order issued by UNWE’s Rector.
In compliance with decisions made by UNWE’s Academic Council, Doctoral students enrolled in an Individual Doctoral Programme after 21 February 2024 shall pay the following fees:
- 2 600.00 leva is the annual tuition fee for Bulgarian nationals and for citizens of the EU and the EEA.
- 1 750.00 EUR is the annual tuition fee for the nationals of countries in the Western Balkans – Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.
- 3 500.00 EUR is the annual tuition fee for the nationals of countries outside the EU and the EEA.
The Doctoral students enrolled in an Individual Doctoral Programme before 21 February 2024 shall continue their education by paying the tuition fees that were valid as of the date of their enrollment for Doctoral studies.
The time limits for the payment of the fees by the Doctoral students enrolled in an Individual Doctoral Programme are specified in the agreement signed by UNWE and the Doctoral student.
UNWE Bank Account:
IBAN: BG03 BNBG 9661 3100 1746 01
BIC of the Bulgarian National Bank: BNBGBGSD
After enrolling in a Ph.D programme, a university email address and password is created for each Ph.D student and sent to the personal email address. Through the university email address and password Ph.D students participate in online courses and exams organized by the UNWE.
Within three months upon enrollment in Doctoral studies, every Doctoral student together with their scientific supervisor shall prepare an Individual Study Plan for the whole duration of the Doctoral studies. Samples of Individual Study Plans are available on UNWE’s website > Education > Doctoral students > Individual Study Plan.
Doctoral students who want to sit for an examination on a specific date must submit an Application Form to the relevant Faculty where they study, addressed to the Dean. A sample of the Application Form is available on the UNWE website > Education > Doctoral students > Exams.
All Doctoral students shall report on their work at the end of every academic year. The Report is submitted to the Department that carries out the instruction both on paper and electronically (via e-mail or on an electronic device). The Doctoral students are given a positive or negative annual appraisal.
A sample of the Report on the Implementation of the Indvidual Study Plan is available on the UNWE website > Education > Doctoral students > Report.
The Doctoral student is given a negative appraisal by the Faculty Council upon the proposal of the Departmental Council in the cases when within one academic year under the Individual Study Plan the Doctoral student has failed to submit the annual Report for the respective academic year.
All Doctoral students are entitled to terminate their education for a period of up to two years, and extend their education for a period of up to one year. Doctoral students shall file a request without specific requirements addressed to Head of the Department. The request is considered at a Departmental and Faculty Council. The procedures for the termination/extension of the period of education are laid out in an order issued by the Vice Rector in charge R&D (research and development). Within the termination/extension, Doctoral students do not lose their status of trainees and are entitled to sit for exams and perform all activities under their Doctoral studies.
The Doctoral students that have officially finished off their research and are entilted to a public defense of their Ph.D thesis, have the opportunity to defend their Ph.D thesis within two years and shall pay a fee for the public defense to the amount of 2 900.00 leva. Upon the expiry of the two-year period, the Doctoral student loses all rights under the Doctoral studies programme.
Contact details:
Doctoral Degree Sector – office 2039 / phone number +359 2 81 95 256
Scholarships Sector – office 1013 / phone number +359 2 81 95 325
Scientific Council and Contests Sector – office 2038 / phone number +359 2 81 95 390