Search results for Ukraine



72 results found
Prof. D.Sc. Lyubomir Stoykov Was Awarded a Commemorative Medal for Contribution to the Communication Science and Media Studies by the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov on the Occasion of His 70th Anniversary 5/29/2024 ... work of journalists in covering the war in Ukraine by Svetoslav Metanov and the impact of the conflict in Gaza on the war in Ukraine by Boryana Raicheva-Danailova and others ...
Public Lecture by the Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix on the Power Shift in Europe Was Held at Our University 4/29/2024 ... Causa by the University of Drohobytsch, Ukraine and by the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He is an alumnus of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and has published numerous books and articles on Austrian and European history of the 19th and 20th century. Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix ...
UNWE and Easy Credit Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation 4/11/2024 ... in seven countries - Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, North Macedonia, Spain and Croatia - and is planning a major geo-expansion into key international markets such as Germany, Mexico, the US, and India. The Group is a responsible employer of over 8,300 people in more than 450 ...
The Third Edition of BSides Sofia Brought Together 10 Speakers and More Than 300 Fans 3/27/2024 ... with guest speakers from Greece, Ukraine, Kazakhstanq etc. and gathered 328 registered participants and other ones with open access. Presian Yankulov, one of the organizers and a network security engineer at commented: "Our main objective is to bring ...
The UNWE Was Awarded the Academic Oscar for Higher Education Institution with the Highest Institutional Accreditation according to NEAA 1/16/2024 ... events as the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Within the last decade, the incomes of young graduates, those who have been in the labor market for 1 to 5 years, have raise more than double. The unemployment among this group of graduates has decrease more than double. The share of ...
7 Students from the UNWE Won a Scholarship from Discordia 1/24/2024 ... global coverage. It has offices in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Romania. "Discordia has a high reputation and has earned the trust of thousands of partners and customers according to an international NPS study in 2022 ...
XXII International Scientific Conference on Bulgaria's EU Membership: 16 Years Later Had the Largest Number of Participants 10/16/2023 ... caused by Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. That is why the EC intends to invest in the future in programmes to improve the skills and capabilities of the work force taking into account the appearance of new professions and the intensive digitalization of modern life ...
National Survey Finds Out That the Administrative Capacity of State Administration Declines 7/11/2023 ... policy related to the war in Ukraine, domestic policy related to the inability to run a regular government with consistent priorities and the lack of a National Assembly and hence the delay in the adoption of important laws for the country, the energy crisis, high ...
4th Doctoral Students Seminar of the Media and Public Communications Department 5/26/2023 ... presented her study on the War in Ukraine in the Perspective of the Political Discourse during the Election Campaign for the 49th National Assembly. Vasilena Ivanova presented the Strategic Documents for the Development of Sport in Bulgaria. She made a comparative ...
The Chief Executive Officer of the Transport and Logistics Giant DISCORDIA Delivered a Public Lecture 5/15/2023 ... its global coverage. It has offices in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Romania. It has a high reputation and has earned the trust of thousands of partners and customers, according to an international NPS survey in 2022. "Among the major objectives and ambitions of DISCORDIA is to become a technology leader in ...
Guest lecturer from the University of Daugavpils contributed to the training of students and doctoral students in Entrepreneurship 4/30/2023 ... largest former Soviet republics – Russia and Ukraine, and the notable for their entrepreneurial history USA. At a specially organized meeting with doctoral students of the Chair of Entrepreneurship, Dr. Komarova systematically presented the answers to the main questions regarding the essence, ...
Round Table Conference on the Balkans in the 21st Century - the Bulgarian View 4/10/2023 ... in the 21st Century - the Bulgarian View: the War in Ukraine and the Impact on Bulgaria". The Round Table Conference included speeches of the participants within 10 minutes on topics related to the impact of the war on Bulgaria in all aspects of economy and politics. The thematic areas were defined in ...
Nikolay Vasilev Delivered a Public Lecture on Economics and State Governance 4/11/2023 ... corruption, the problems of the judiciary, the war in Ukraine, the situation in the Republic of North Macedonia. I do not spare any truths in it, that`s why some people call it ”sharp“. From being the most bankrupt country in the world in February 1997, we paid off most of our foreign debt by ...
Public Discussion with H. E. Lukasz Kautsky, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Bulgaria 1/24/2023 ... will focus on 5 closely linked areas: support for Ukraine, solution to the migration crisis, promoting democracy and strengthening the energy security, the economy, cyber security and Europe's defence capabilities. The Ambassador went through each of the priorities in details explaining the long-term and ...
DIGI Women Project Was Closed with Presentation of Curriculum for the Training of Digital Experts and Women Entrepreneurs 10/16/2022 ... , Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, and Ukraine. The coordinator of the project is the UNWE. The event was opened by the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov. Dr. Milena Angelova, member of the European Economic and Social Committee and SME ambassador for Bulgaria, presented ...
DIGI WOMEN - The Third, Final, Partner Meeting 9/21/2022 ... the extension of the project due to the war against Ukraine, which dramatically affected the workability of colleagues from the project's partner National Technical University in Kharkiv. The main objectives of the meeting were to review the report with the recommendations with a view to its finalization, ...
DIGI WOMEN - The Third, Final, Partner Meeting 10/8/2022 ... the extension of the project due to the war against Ukraine, which dramatically affected the workability of colleagues from the project's partner National Technical University in Kharkiv. The main objectives of the meeting were to review the report with the recommendations with a view to its finalization, ...
Seminar on the Security, Safety, Vulnerability Organized by the SIFAM Was Held at the UNWE 7/12/2022 ... , said the diplomat. "The war in Ukraine largely determines the topic proposed for our Round Table Conference. I believe that this war is one of the events of the same scale or similar impact as the fall of the Berlin Wall or the attacks on 11 September. It has had a significant impact ...
The Minister of Defence Awarded a Honorary Plaque to the Rector and Participated in Round-Table Conference on the Contemporary Security Issues 6/3/2022 ... Security Strategy. He pointed out that the war in Ukraine would change the overall thinking about how we should look at the world in the future as geopolitics, about the way the European, Euro-Atlantic and global security should function. Dragomir Zakov promised his help and expertise as well as that of ...
The Rector Awarded to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristalina Georgieva the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 9/12/2024 ... adding that we are interdependent. "The war in Ukraine means recession in countries that are big importers of energy or food, a war in Ukraine means hunger in Africa, we cannot cope without working together, we cannot cope without thinking about the fact that the world is one united entity." Regarding ...
UNWE Will Provide Full Support to Its Ukrainian Students, Student Council Opens Hotline for the Students in Need 3/10/2022 ... Body took a decision to support the students from Ukraine in relation to the emergency situation in the distressed country and the numerous signals by the Ukrainian students studying at the UNWE. The support will consist in providing dormitories for them and their families throughout the crisis in ...
The UNWE Honorary Rector Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov Passed Away 3/14/2022 ... of Law at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine /2012/, Honorary Professor of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russian Federation /2013/, Jubilee Gold Medal № 8 of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Baku /one of the 20 gold medals numbered for the ...
UNWE Hosted Training on DIGI Women Project 3/11/2022 ... – SEGE The partners from Ukraine - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"  The partners from Austria and Croatia – bit management Beratung GesmbH /Austria/ and Centre for SME Policy and Entrepreneurship ...
19 Universities from 7 Countries at the International Conference on the Strategic Planning and Marketing in Digital World 12/7/2021 ... Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Ukraine; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - Ukraine; Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus; Department of National Economics and Public Administration - Belarus, National Aviation University - Ukraine ...
11th International Scientific Conference ICAICTSEE 2021 12/7/2021 ... , Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Taiwan and Ukraine/ and 21 of them - by Bulgarian participants of which 10 were Ph.D. students.  Moments from the Conference The topics of the reports covered the application of the latest ITC achievements in areas such as medicine, ...
Online International Scientific Forum on Energy Transformation. Day 3 11/23/2021 ... , Germany, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Ukraine as well as participants from 24 US states - Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington DC, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, ...
Digital networking and collaboration tools - Multiplier Event: 19 October 2021, bit management Beratung GmbH, Lembockgasse 49, 1230 Wien 10/5/2022 ... countries (Bulgaria, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine, Latvia and Greece) are working together in this project. Mag.a Sandra Kavan (bit management) The curriculum developed in IO3 for digitisation experts who will subsequently train women entrepreneurs was presented and the individual modules ...
UNWE - Co-Host of Online International Scientific Forum on Energy Transformation 11/23/2021 ... , Japan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Ukraine and the United Kingdom also joined the Forum.   The second module of the Forum is on 11 November 11 at 5.00 p.m. EEST. It will focus on IT infrastructure and cybersecurity, research, innovation and funding in the field. In the ...
DIGI WOMEN - The Second Partner Meeting 11/3/2021 ... Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine; Dr. Mirela Alpeza and Ms. Danica Eterovic from CEPOR – Center for SME and Entrepreneurship Policy, Croatia; Mr. Herwig Simoner from bit management Beratung GesmbH, Austria (online); and Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Kolarov from the Institute of ...
Equal opportunities in difficult circumstances - Meeting-workshop, 4-5 September 2021, Park Hotel Latgola, Daugavpils 10/3/2022 ... countries (Bulgaria, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine and Greece). Dr. Vera Komarova presents the DIGI Women project Participants of the meeting-workshop “Equal Opportunities in Difficult Circumstances” was  organized as an event to multiply results of the project. ...
DIGI WOMEN: Strategic Paths to New Business Opportunities, meeting-workshop, 2-3 July 2021 7/20/2021 ... European countries (Austria, Italy, Latvia, Croatia, Ukraine and Greece). Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Kolarov, PhD, presents the DIGI Women project The curriculum is an innovative product created within the DIGI Women international project, co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European ...
International Conference: The European Union after Brexit 6/8/2021 ... 14 states and 3 continents as the USA, China, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, Albania, Switzerland, Canada, Armenia, Georgia, Macedonia. Moderator of the first panel was Prof. Dr. Tatiana Hubenova-Delisivkova. Reports on fiscal rules and financial instruments in the EU after Brexit, tax aspects of Brexit through ...
DIGI WOMEN - digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs 12/8/2020 ... Polytechnic Institute» (NTU KhPI), Ukraine Mirela Alpeza and Danica Eterovic of the CEPOR SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy Centre, Croatia Kostadin Kolarov, Nikolay Vankov, and Silviya Georgieva of the Institute of Entrepreneurship, University of National and World Economy (UNWE), ...
The DIGI WOMEN project is launched 12/8/2020 ... Polytechnic Institute» (NTU KhPI), Ukraine Mirela Alpeza and Danica Eterovic of the CEPOR SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy Centre, Croatia Kostadin Kolarov, Nikolay Vankov, and Silviya Georgieva of the Institute of Entrepreneurship, University of National and World Economy (UNWE), ...
Regional Workshop on Harmonizing National Nuclear Law with International Law Including European Law 2/10/2023 ... were delivered by experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, etc. Participants in the ...
Regional Workshop on Harmonizing National Nuclear Law with International Law Including European Law 2/8/2023 ... from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, etc. Participants in the ...
14th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 11/27/2018 ... Economics and Trade (PUET), Ukraine, Lutsk National Technical University (NTU), Ukraine, Lodz University of Technology, Poland, University of Rijeka, Republic of Croatia and Ss. Cyril and Methodius Economic University of Skopje, Macedonia ...
International Scientific Conference on the Impact of International and EU Law on the Bulgarian Legal System 11/23/2018 ... from Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Belgium, Albania, Cyprus, etc. During the ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in Academic Forum in Ukraine 5/8/2018 ... and judicial reform of Ukraine. Assoc. Prof. Diana Marinova with colleagues Assoc. Prof. Marinova delivered also public lectures in International Private Law and EU International Private Law in English to Master students specializing ...
International Students` Day at the UNWE 3/12/2018 ... countries among which were Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Albania and Italy. I am glad that in the current year we succeeded to change the concept of the event and to make it closer to students. Thus everyone can touch to the culture and ...
13th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists on the Economics of Bulgaria and the European Union in the Global World 11/20/2017 ... Economics and Trade (PUET), Ukraine; Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine; Lodz University of Technology, Poland; University of Rijeka, Republic of Croatia and the University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF). At the ...
7th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE 2017) 11/6/2017 ... , Japan, China, Russia, Ukraine, etc. For participation in the Conference were approved 78 reports, 27 of them - by international authors.   Prof. Velev, Prof. Stefanova, Assoc. Prof. Boshnakov (from the right to the left) The ...
Training Course for Young Statisticians from Six Countries Was Held by the UNWE and NSI 10/20/2017 ... , Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. It was held in the period 24 September – 6 October and financed by the Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bulgarian Support for Development . The training course on Introduction in Statistical ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Participated in a Jubilee Conference in Poland 10/5/2017 ... Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Ukraine. The report presented by Assoc. Prof. Shterev was on the Strategy for Renaissance of Bulgarian Industry: Policy and Applied Instruments. Assoc. Prof. Stoyanova delivered a report on the Role of Operative Programme ...
Annual Scientific Conference on The European Differences and A World Chaos 5/26/2017 ... assistance for the crisis in Ukraine, anti-Russian policy of the country impacting to a great extent on the NATO and the EU, etc. Prof. Genov and Assoc. Prof. Vasileva The differences in opinions become more and more and the efforts for ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Has Become Honorary Professor of Ukrainian University 5/5/2017 ... Economy which was held in Ukraine. He presented one of the major reports at the plenary session and read a Greeting address on behalf of the Department and UNWE. Chief. Assist. Mitko Hitov was awarded the Order of Merit to the spiritual ...
Conference Proceedings 2016 7/8/2018 ... at Industrial Enterprises of UkraineNastasia Rovinska and Yuliya Vykhodets Do Key Actors’ Characteristics Relate to Internationalization Modes in Bulgarian Family Firms?  Yordanka Ivanova and Kostadin Kolarov Family Business Successors’ ...
Public Lecture by H. E. Mikola Baltaji, Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria 4/10/2017 ... and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Bulgaria. The meeting with the Ambassador was organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) and it was the consecutive visit of a special guest at the university. H. E. ...
12th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 11/14/2016 ... of Economic and Trade, Ukraine, Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine, University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF) and Investor.BG. In the Large Conference Hall At the opening of the Conference attended ...
New Opportunities of Cooperation between The UNWE and National University “Odessa Academy of Law” 9/28/2016 ... sphere of legal education in Ukraine having glorious academic traditions and respectful history. There are 14 thousand students who study in all forms and degrees of education, 1600 lecturers, 7 institutes, 13 faculties, 6 colleges and 3 associated schools ...
Seventh International Conference 'Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment - Building Bridges', 8 - 10 June 2016, Pomorie 7/10/2016 ... Rico, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine and USA took active participation in the conference ...
International Conference on The Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment – Building Bridges 7/1/2016 ... Rico, USA, France, Sweden, Ukraine and South Africa. Prof. Ken O`Neil, Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE, Ex-President of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship is greeting ...
Public Lecture by Dr. Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of OSCE on The New Challenges to European Security 6/8/2016 ... can be watched – in Ukraine and Syria. The result of them is the migration”, pointed out Zannier but he added that the migrant crisis hadn`t been due only to wars. Dr. Zannier is speaking about the security measures in Europe ...
Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and Investor.BG Was Concluded 5/11/2016 ... of Economics and Trade, Ukraine, University of Split, Economics Faculty, Republic of Croatia. The UNWE and Investor.BG will cooperate also in the participation of representatives of the company in presentations to students, lectures, seminars, ...
Collective Monography in The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Top Ten over The Last 60 Days 11/23/2015 ... Technical University, Ukraine, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Ukraine and Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna – Campus di Rimini, Italy. Its reviewers are Prof. Dr. Stoyan Stoyanov, Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov and Assoc. Prof. Dr ...
UNWE Was The Host of Discussion Prior The IMF – World Bank Constituency Meetings 6/2/2015 ... the Netherlands, Romania and Ukraine. Attendees at the Forum in Maxima Aula “It is an honour for me to be a guest at the largest economic university in Bulgaria”, outlined Menno Snel who was the first to answer the questions of ...
10th Jubilee Edition of The Youth Economic Forum 11/28/2014 ... in Europe, the crisis in Ukraine as he emphasized that the security is one of the first factors for economic growth. We move on a thin ice, we move more slowly than it is desired and there is no a unique medicine for increasing the consumption, shared ...
4th International Conference ICAICTSEE - 2014 10/29/2014 ... universities in Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, France, Macedonia, etc. Participants in the International Conference ICAICTSEE-2014 is an open Forum for dissemination of the scientific progress, innovative approaches and original ...
International Conference on The Western Balkans and European Union. Lessons from Past Enlargements, Challenges to Further Integrations 10/9/2014 ... to the implications of the Ukraine crisis for the regional energy security. Prof. Statty Stattev (in the middle) is greeting the participants in the Conference. It is a privilege for me to participate in this Conference, pointed out in ...
International Scientific Conference on The Membership of Bulgaria in The European Union – Seven Years Later 10/6/2014 ... Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University-Ukraine, etc. The Conference was organized by the International Economics and Politics Faculty and the International Economic Relations and Business Department at UNWE. In the Large Conference Hall Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, ...
Conversation on The Russian Image in Bulgaria and The Image of Bulgaria in Russia 4/16/2014 ... the falsification of history, situation in Ukraine and Eurasian nature of Russian civilization. He examined the so-called Eurasian concept, made a historical reference and situated Eurasian civilization between the Eastern and Western ones pointing out Russia as their unifying center. The ...
Discussion on The Events in Ukraine and Their Geopolitical Dimensions and Consequences 3/27/2014 ... discussion on the Events in Ukraine and Their Geopolitical Dimensions and Consequences was organized at the university by the Student Association EGO POLITICO and the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria. Guest-lecturers were Solomon Passy, President of the Atlantic Club and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy ...
The French Ambassador to Bulgaria Spoke to Students 4/7/2014 ... Cabanes questions related to the situation in Ukraine, upcoming European elections, the European Union and preservation of the national identity, etc ...
Academic Public Lecture of Prof. D.Sc.(Soc.) Mihail Mirchev on The Critical 2014 3/26/2014 ... famous sociologist spoke on the situation in Ukraine and new world order after Crimea, positioning of Europe, the geostrategic collision US-Russia. Prof. Mirchev reported the critical levels of social polarization and did not fail to note the new wave of populism in Europe and Bulgaria. The ...
Public Thesis Defence of The First Doctor in Political Sciences from the International Relations Department 5/7/2013 ... in Bulgaria, West Balkans, Jordan, Russia and Ukraine.    During the discussion was commented the relation between the early warning and democracy, financing of targeted activities, international support and intervention as well as current issues of Bulgarian political life related ...
Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov Was Dignified by The Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa of The Kyiv University of Law to The National Academy of Science of Ukraine 11/10/2012 ... University of Law to the National Academy of Ukraine dignified Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov by the Honorary title of DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA. The event was held on October, 26th, 2012 at the luxury university hall Atrium in the presence of a wide range of eminent representatives of the scientific ...
Master Class of The Rector of UNWE at The Kyiv University 11/10/2012 ... of Law to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Traditionally parallels between the current crisis and the Great Depression are searched out but in it can be also found features of the World Crisis from 1973-1974, outlined Prof. Stattev and grounded his thesis by specific facts. In his ...
Two Days Seminar on The Intellectual Property Management in The Advertising Industry 11/10/2012 ... and Prof. Borisov were on a visit in the Ukraine capital it was awarded to Prof. Borislav Borisov the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” of the Kyev University of Law to the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. “It is the consecutive personal and institutional recognition ...
Finance and Accountancy Faculty Celebrated Its Diamond Anniversary 11/10/2012 ... and institutions from Italy, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Moldova, etc. The plenary session was opened by Prof. Dr. Snezhana Basheva, Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty and it was led by Prof. Dr. Margarita Alexandrova, Vice-Dean of the Faculty.  By the national anthem ...
The Information Technologies and Communications Department Marked Its 45th Anniversary by An International Conference 11/10/2012 ... countries – from Brazil, USA to Russian, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Moldova… Sponsors of the event are the companies Microsoft and dWare. Reports from the International Conference will be issued in a special collection and published in an international scientific magazine ...
It Starts A Project on The 7th Framework Programme by Its Coordinator UNWE 5/11/2012 ... the Ternopil National Economic University – Ukraine.  Prof. Stanka Tonkova (on the right) and Dr. Rositza Velinova The participants in the International Forum  The main objective of the project is to profound the theoretical research of the local production ...
A Conference United The Efforts of Leading Scientists in The Field of Information and Communication Technologies. 5/11/2012 ... of the academic science from Russia, Ukraine, Malaysia, Iran, Indonesia, Macedonia, Moldova and many other countries. Seven were the thematic directions in the Conference and they were related to the economic, organizational and managerial aspects of the information and communication ...

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