Master Class of The Rector of UNWE at The Kyiv University
The Economic Development of Bulgaria and the Current Crisis was the topic of the master class of the Rector Prof.D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev to students and Doctoral students from the Kyiv University of Law to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Traditionally parallels between the current crisis and the Great Depression are searched out but in it can be also found features of the World Crisis from 1973-1974, outlined Prof. Stattev and grounded his thesis by specific facts.
In his presentation the lecturer stood out the role of the real economy channels for funding by the exchange and pointed out that the current crisis had “plugged” those channels “laying them with concrete” more and more while the financial system especially the trade banks had a very high degree of liquidity.
During the master class of the Rector Prof. Stattev |
Prof. Stattev presented to the audience his research according to which in Bulgarian economy the transmission mechanisms had worked in direction from the real economy to the financial sector. As he pointed out it meant that the decision should be searched in the creation of conditions for development of separate activities in the real economy – either by external investments or by governmental procurements which would stimulate the growth.
We shouldn`t be slaves of illusions, declared Prof. Stattev and examined the demand of Bulgarian economy to use its comparative advantages which would result in the long term.
At the presentation attended the Honorary Rector of UNWE Prof.Dr. Borislav Borisov and the Rector of the Kyiv University of Law Prof. Iurii Boshytskyi. |
In June 2012 was signed an agreement between the UNWE and the Kyiv University of Law for collaboration in the academic and scientific research activity between both universities.