The Information Technologies and Communications Department Marked Its 45th Anniversary by An International Conference
The Information Technologies and Communications Department marked the 45th Anniversary of its establishment by a two days International Conference on the Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education – 2012. At the celebration attended Vice-Rectors of UNWE, Heads of Faculties and Departments, representatives of other universities from the country and abroad.
Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice-Rector on Electronic Organization and Head of the jubilee Department presented the history of the Department of Economic Management and Machine Processing of Economic Information since its establishment in 1966 till now. He emphasized on the role of founders and first Heads of the academic unit – Prof. Dr. Rumen Yanakiev, Prof. Dr. Atanas Ganev, Prof. Dr. Angel Bachvarov and others. “For all these 45 years at the Department have been educated 3 500 professionals who work in different countries nowadays. We are proud of those students of ours – participants in the European community”, outlined Prof. Kisimov.
At the Large Conference Hall |
“Your science has a great priority over the other ones and the reason is in the fact it turns into practice immediately”, stated Prof.Goev, Vice-Rector on Scientific Research Activity of UNWE who greeted the Department on behalf of the Rector of the university. Prof. Goev pointed out some examples for application of the information technology even at the university – the system Web-Student, the Test Center, the conduction of electronic exams, etc. He generalized that there hardly was something in the recent years that was not related to those technologies.
By a greeting to the Information Technologies and Communications Department also turned Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova, Vice-Rector on Education in the Educational Qualification Degree of Master and Distance Learning and Head of the Statistics and Econometrics Department. She pointed out that the serious requirements to prospective students in the speciality were also a guarantee for the high level of education and quality of the future professionals.
From the left to the right: Prof. Pavlova, Prof. Kisimov, Prof. Goev. |
About the merits of the Department known to the scientific community in our country and abroad also spoke the Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University Prof. Havar Mamedov, Acad. Cyril Boyanov, one of the founders of computing machinery in Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Radev, former Head of the Department, Assoc. Prof. Jelyazko Jelyazkov, Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty.
The jubilee Department and its Head Prof. Valentin Kisimov received greeting addresses by the Economic University of Varna, Dimitar Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov, the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – Sofia.
In the first row: Acad. Boyanov (the first on the left) and Prof. Mamedov (the last on the right). |
For the first time it is organized such a Conference by so vast participation, outlined Prof. Valentin Kisimov at the opening of the Forum. An evidence for that is the fact that members of the Programme Committee are representatives from 17 countries from 4 continents and there are 123 authors from 12 countries – from Brazil, USA to Russian, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Moldova…
Sponsors of the event are the companies Microsoft and dWare. Reports from the International Conference will be issued in a special collection and published in an international scientific magazine.
Participants in the Conference |