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Public Lectures 2/8/2012 ... ...


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Public Lecture on the Parliamentary Democracy for Good Public Governance Was Held at the UNWE 4/2/2024 ... . "Our concept in organizing these public lectures is to invite highly qualified professionals, representatives of all three authorities, people from various state and municipal institutions and from different political formations. We strive to enrich the education of our ...
UNWE Will Collaborate with the Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria 3/14/2024 ... and practices as well as by organizing public lectures and discussions, advising on curriculum content, incorporating best practice and organizing public events." The Chairman of CIAB Management Board Georgy Georgiev expressed thankfulness for the opportunity for the Chamber to ...
UNWE and Service Centrix Ltd. Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 1/18/2024 ... Doctoral students at the UNWE by organizing public lectures, discussions and consultations", said Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. "I would also like to express our gratitude for your help during the last Prospective Students Campaign with the software robot you developed which automatically ...
Memorandum of Cooperation with the International Franchise Company Office 1 1/18/2024 ... education through the organization of public lectures and discussions as well as consultations of the curriculum content. The Chairman of the Management Board of Panda Cooperative/Office 1 Mrs. Elka Kamenova-Tsankova emphasised on the significance of the ...
Students Got Acquainted with the Organization of the Air Cargo Transportation 1/17/2024 ... including various common initiatives, such as public lectures and seminars, internships, scholarship programmes, etc. In the event took part the Manager of Aviation Services Bulgaria Michail Danchev, Svetoslav Stoyanov, Security Officer, Kalin Atanasov, Transport Organization Officer and ...
The Rector Signed a Memorandum with the Austrian Economic Chamber in the Presence of the Vice President Iliana Yotova and the Deputy Prime Minister Maria Gabriel 1/17/2024 ... and Doctoral students at the UNWE by organizing public lectures and discussions, curriculum content consultation and other initiatives of mutual interest. Providing opportunities for partnership in economic and governance studies and research are also part of the agreement. It is ...
Public Lecture on the European Integration - Next Level: The Successful Experience of Croatia in Adopting the Euro 5/19/2023 ... the event. "Our university regularly holds such public lectures. They are useful for both students and lecturers. We want to encourage students to participate more actively in such events so that they can have an insight beyond the compulsory lectures into what they think about us, about Bulgaria ...
The Chief Executive Officer of the Transport and Logistics Giant DISCORDIA Delivered a Public Lecture 5/15/2023 ... , including various joint initiatives such as public lectures and seminars, internships, scholarship programme, etc. It is the second public lecture that the owner of DISCORDIA and one of the most successful entrepreneurs and managers in Bulgaria, delivers to students at the UNWE. It was ...
Nikolay Vasilev Delivered a Public Lecture on Economics and State Governance 4/11/2023 ... the Student Council "The format of these public lectures provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the ideas, contributions and evaluations of politicians and prominent specialists in various fields of public life", said at the beginning of the event Prof. D. Sc. Pencho Penchev, Head ...
Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska Won an International Award 3/13/2023 ... of women in science, business and public life, public lectures on various scientific topics and issues were given during the two working sessions. Along with it the forum provided a great opportunity to establish new academic contacts, personal friendships and possible joint scientific ...
SCIENTIFIC FORUM "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND BUSINESS" 5/4/2022 ... and national seminars and round tables, public lectures by experts from WIPO, EPO and others. On today's holiday, in which the first academic unit in Bulgaria, established by Prof. Borisov - his bright memory, in 1991 achieved already established name, with national and international ...
Lidl Bulgaria Donated to the UNWE Modern Equipment for Online Training and Video Streaming 1/26/2022 ... and undergraduate internships, job fairs, public lectures and other initiatives of interest for students. Both parties will also cooperate in supporting the quality of education of undergraduates and Doctoral students at our university by organizing discussions, consultations on the ...
The Chief Ombudsman of Turkey Visited the UNWE 8/5/2021 ... to participate in conferences, deliver public lectures and meet with students. "We know about the contribution of UNWE to the public life in Bulgaria and the excellent preparation that the University provides to its students. Universities has an indispensable place in the life of a ...
Memorandum Unites Four Institutions to Develop the Initiative Anticorruption Academy 11/20/2018 ... Academy the UNWE hosted and co-organized two public lectures – by Plamen Georgiev, Chairman of the Committee for Combatting Corruption and the Withdrawal of Illegally Acquired Property and Thorsten Geissler, Head of the Bulgarian Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Till the end of 2018 ...
Students from the UNWE Took Part in Summer University 2018 9/11/2018 ... Summer University the students attended several public lectures:  Block-Chain – What Is It / Status of Bulgarian Legal Framework / What Can the Law Teach Us / Digital Marketing. They attended also a volleyball match between Bulgaria and Belgium held in Varna (in the picture below) ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and Customs Agency 5/30/2018 ... implementation of joint projects, conferences, public lectures, etc., information to the UNWE students through the International Relations Department about the student internships and public activities of the Agency.   The Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS) at UNWE and the National ...
Public Lectures by Romanian Scientists 5/10/2018 ... the UNWE on the Erasmus+ Programme delivered public lectures to students from the Economics of Natural Resources Department. In his presentation on the Common Agricultural Policies and the High Nature Value (HNV) Farming in Romania, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ionel – Mugurel Jitea told about the ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in Academic Forum in Ukraine 5/8/2018 ... . Prof. Marinova delivered also public lectures in International Private Law and EU International Private Law in English to Master students specializing the disciplines at the SNAU Law Faculty (in the picture below) ...
Assoc. Prof. Boyko Valchev: the Public Speaking Is Not a Public Reading 4/25/2018 ... the picture below). Public lectures are delivered by university lecturers, politicians, journalists, public figures, lawyers, etc. Their objectives are various – to inform the audience, convince it of a certain thesis, appeal for action, entertain or ...
Lecture Cycle on Business Negotiations 3/1/2018 ... first of four public lectures on Business Negotiations organized by the Real Estate Property Department and Finance Department entitled Invest in Charm – Image and Style was delivered by Rumyana Velichkova (in the picture below). She is a professional image consultant ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and BSA 3/15/2018 ... of joint projects, conferences, public lectures and other events, information to students from the Economic Sociology Department of UNWE about student internships and public activities of BSA as well as exchange of information and publications about important scientific, ...
Public Lecture by H.E. Stefano Baldi, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Bulgaria 11/28/2017 ... to invite famous persons to deliver public lectures at the university, pointed out Prof. Polya Katsamunska who presented the guest. In his presentation H.E. Stefano Baldi made a comparative analysis between Bulgaria and Italy in 10 indicators basing on the results of ...
First Academic Public Lecture by Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria 11/27/2017 ... and judicial powers to deliver public lectures, outlined the Rector. He reminded that on 10 October 1920 at the opening of the predecessor of UNWE – the Near East Balkan Institute, its founder and first Rector Prof. Stephan Bobchev had determined as ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and The State E-Government Agency 5/11/2017 ... our university through organizing public lectures and discussions, consultations about the academic content and other initiatives of mutual interest are provisioned in the Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and the State E-Government Agency (SEGA). It is signed by ...
International Students Day at The UNWE 3/16/2017 ... and expressed her admiration for the public lectures and round table conferences regularly organized by our university. Special certificates were awarded to international students who had achieved excellent results over the last semester ...
Students from The UNWE Won An Essay Competition of Sutherland Global Services 3/7/2017 ... to implement more serious events as public lectures and presentations and to provide stronger presence of Sutherland Global Services in the educational process, said Prof. Stattev. The Rector outlined that the scholarship programme negotiated between both institutions had ...
Public Lecture on the Effective Communications 11/16/2016 ... the university had been held about 10 public lectures which had been a confirmation of the effectiveness of the Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and Sofia Chamber. He presented both lecturers and outlined the huge daily necessity of effective communication ...
Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and Sutherland Global Services Was Signed 6/27/2016 ... each other in the organization of public lectures, events and presentations to students. The university and the company will work jointly for the elaboration of new academic programmes and disciplines which can meet the requirements, expectations and demands of students ...
Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and Investor.BG Was Concluded 5/11/2016 ... of joint scientific events such as public lectures, youth seminars as well as the traditional annual International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists entitled the Economy of Bulgaria and the Economy of the European Union. Assoc. Prof. Silvia Trifonova, ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Has Participated in Fulbright Specialist Programme 1/28/2016 ... . Prof. Zhelev has delivered also public lectures organized by the Russian, East European and Eurasian Center on the Bulgarian-Russian Trade Relations during the Post-Socialist Period as well as on the Competitiveness of Central and East European Countries. After ...
Public Lecture on The Health, Financial, Economic and Managerial Aspects of Bulgarian Healthcare 4/24/2015 ... Vankov This is the consequent of dozens of public lectures which were held during the last months at the university in the framework of the Agreement signed between the UNWE and the Sofia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, pointed out Georgy Chernev, Chairman of SCCI.  The ...
The Rector Awarded A Commemorative Medal to The Institute of Certified Public Accountants 4/22/2015 ... , implementation of roundtable conferences, discussions, public lectures and meetings with students. ICPA assists for the career development of our students. There is also something very important – through our partners from the Institute the education at the UNWE is closer to the practice, outlined the ...
10th Jubilee Edition of The Youth Economic Forum 11/28/2014 ... three days of the 10th edition of the Forum were held public lectures and trainings. Guest-lecturers were famous successful persons from the private and state sector and the organizers had prepared five interesting trainings. Ivaylo Penchev, Executive Director of Walltopia spoke to students on the Business ...
National Seminar on The Mediation in Intellectual Property 5/10/2014 ... conferences, seminars and round table conferences, public lectures by representatives of the WIPO, etc. At the Large Conference Hall In the last 14 years under the leadership of Prof. Borislav Borisov, Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property and Leadership was carried out a ...
Public Lecture on The World Tourist Industry in The XXI Century 2/18/2014 ... Forum Prof. Dr. Dimitar Tadarakov. He outlined that the public lectures and meetings with the European and world scientists had opened new horizons for a joint cooperation. From the right to the left: Prof. Dr. Dimitar Tadarakov, Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Michelle Goshman An intensive ...
Framework Agreement between The UNWE and William Shakespeare First Private English Language School 5/30/2013 ... preparation of prospective students, implementation of public lectures by the exchange of lecturers. The UNWE and the English Language School will mutually promote their activities in the public space and our lecturers will be reviewers and consultants in the preparation of textbooks and school aids ...
Public Lecture by Two Spanish Professors 9/20/2019 ... the UNWE were delivered public lectures by Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Blanco Encomienda, lecturer in Statistics and Econometrics and Prof. Dr. Juan Miguel Alcantara Pilar, lecturer on Marketing, both from the Education and Humanities Faculty to the University of Ceuta, Granada, Spain. They visited the UNWE by ...
Business Club UNWE Was Officially Opened 3/13/2013 ... university specialists and business circles, to organize public lectures of famous persons from the professional and public life, to hold seminars and trainings for students as well as competitions initiating participants in a real business ambience.   Attendants at the opening of the new ...


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Public Lectures of The General Economics Faculty 10/21/2013 ... more information click ...

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