Business Club UNWE Was Officially Opened
The official presentation of Business Club UNWE, a joint project of the International Economics and Politics Faculty and the Students Council was held at the Ceremonial Hall of the university. At the ceremony attended members of the UNWE Managing Body, lecturers, students, journalists. Among the official guests were Prof. Dr. Antoaneta Vasileva, Dean of the International Economics and Politics Faculty, representatives of the business circles in the country.
From the left to the right: Baycho Georgiev, Prof. Dr. Antoaneta Vasileva, Antoan Shotarov |
The objective of the newly established Club is to be improved the relation between the business and students by organization of practically oriented events. The team of the Business Club UNWE outlined the necessity from students activity as a first step to the successful career development. The new organization will work by the support of the Students Council, outlined its Chairman Antoan Shotarov.
Baycho Georgiev from the team of the Business Club UNWE shared more about the Club mission: to create prerequisites for a stable and effective collaboration between the university specialists and business circles, to organize public lectures of famous persons from the professional and public life, to hold seminars and trainings for students as well as competitions initiating participants in a real business ambience.
Attendants at the opening of the new Business Club UNWE |