News from month 4, 2024 year
High Level of Interest in the Preliminary Exam of UNWE in Format of State Matriculation Examination from Prospective Students in the Town of Yambol
4/1/2024 10:25:00 AM
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in the Review Panel of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Programme - COST
4/1/2024 3:35:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Hristina Nikolova Participated as Lecturer in the International Seminar on European Transport Markets and European Transport Policy
4/1/2024 4:35:00 PM
Visit of UNWE Students to Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant on the Occasion of the 104th Anniversary of the Birth of Acad. Evgeny Mateev
4/1/2024 5:25:00 PM
Public Lecture on the Parliamentary Democracy for Good Public Governance Was Held at the UNWE
4/1/2024 6:15:00 PM
Maxim Behar Headed the UNWE Trustees Council
4/1/2024 6:50:00 PM
UNWE and Luiss University Have Double Bachelor's Speciality in Finance and Accounting
4/3/2024 12:05:00 PM
The Rector and the Libyan Ambassador Discussed the Bilateral Cooperation in the Field of Education
4/5/2024 3:25:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova: Each Prospective Student Could Request an Individual Online or In-person Consultation
4/5/2024 6:40:00 PM
UNWE Received the Brand of Bulgaria Award in the Category of Innovative Universities
4/5/2024 7:45:00 PM