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The Admission of Prospective Students to the UNWE Has Started 7/29/2024 ... ranking and prospective studnets examinations for the Educational Qualification Degree of Bachelor and Master after secondary education for the specialty Law. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov accompanied by Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice-Rector for Educational ...
Preliminary Examination in Format of State Matriculation Examination for Admission to UNWE 7/4/2024 ... year the UNWE holds preliminary examinations for admission in the format State Matriculation Examination in Bulgarian language and literature. The exam was attended by 225 students who registered through the university's website willing to apply to UNWE because the ...
Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice-Rector: Our University Gives a Second Chance to Raise the Grade from the Matriculation Examination 7/22/2024 ... may take one or more admission examinations organized in the form of a computer-based test for the Unified Entrance Examination /UEE/ or a preliminary examination in the format of State Matriculation Examination /SME/ in Bulgarian Language and Literature and ...
Lecturer from UNWE Was Re-Elected for a Second Term in the Management Board of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria 6/3/2024 ... responsible for the organization and conduct of the examinations as well as for the continuing professional development of the Certified Public Accountants and Registered Auditors and for the ISPA relations with the universities. The Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the only national ...
Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova: Each Prospective Student Could Request an Individual Online or In-person Consultation 4/10/2024 ... in organizing and conducting multiple entrance examinations in different formats - the Unified Entrance Examination /UEE/ and the State Matriculation Examination in Bulgarian Language and Literature, and Geography and Economics. Within the framework of the prospective student campaign the UNWE ...
The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov Held a Working Meeting on Admission 2024/2025 1/31/2024 ... continue with the preliminary exams, the external examinations, the meetings by locations to facilitate and be as close to the applicants as possible which suits to a University with the highest institutional accreditation." He outlined that the University is open for meetings and talks with mayors and ...
You Can Apply for 90 Master`s Degree programmes 7/31/2023 ... may do it on 5 September 2023. The results of the examinations will be announced on 8 September 2023 and the ranking - on 12 September 2023. Enrolment of the newly admitted students will be the period 13 to 21 September 2023 on weekdays only. Some of the programmes that are studied at ...
Dual Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Marketing and Transformation taught in English between the UNWE and Abertay University, Scotland, Is Already Accessible 7/31/2023 ... courseworks, class tests, presentations and formal examinations. Upon Graduation students will have a complete set of skills and knowledge to: Understand, design and implement digital communication strategies across multiple channels and platforms; Successfully manage digital marketing, content and ...
The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov: 6100 Prospective Students - a Record Number for the Recent Years 7/12/2023 ... with students, including competitions and preliminary examinations. The Alumni community was also actively involved. As you see all these efforts give serious results. The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Vice-Rectors at the Centre for Document Reception where documents can be submitted ...
The Admission to the UNWE Has Started 7/24/2023 ... in the ranking and in the prospective student examinations for the Educational Qualification Degree of Bachelor and Master after secondary education for the specialty Law which will last until 30 June. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice Rector for ...
The Reception of Applications for Admission to the UNWE Starts on 12 June 7/31/2023 ... for participation in the ranking and entrance examinations for Bachelor's degree and Master's degrees after secondary education for speciality Law has started. The deadline for application is to 30 June. The prospective students can choose between 53 specialities. Those willing to study at the UNWE ...
Our University Switches to Software PBX and Sets up a Call Center for Prospective Students 6/6/2023 ... to submit their documents for participation in examinations and ranking. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, Mr. Nikola Gechev, Corporate Sales Director at Vivacom, the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Mr. Alexander Stoychev, Account Manager ...
Winners of the National Competition in Transport and Energy Received Certificates 5/15/2023 ... Council a grade of Excellent /6.00/ in the entrance examinations for speciality Economics of Transport and Energy for academic year 2023-2024 at the UNWE. It is the consecutive competition organized by the Economics of Transport and Energy Department. At the opening ceremony Prof. Dr. ...
Prospective Students at the UNWE - Two and a Half Times More Than the State Admission Plan 8/17/2022 ... shifts on the application with state matriculation examinations at the expense of the preliminary examinations, but nevertheless, we keep all options open. For a second consecutive year the system for admission by specialities is also in operation which gives a new look to the application process. The ...
UNWE in the Top 3 of the Most Preferable Universities in Bulgaria 7/13/2021 ... enrollments for Bachelor`s degree are starting. All examinations will be conducted in strict compliance with anti-epidemic measures. The prospective students with disabilities have access to the Test Center through avenues of approach, ramps and elevators and specialized places for exams ...
UNWE and ICAEW Continue Their Partnership in the New Decade 2/13/2020 ... be free of administrative fees for recognition of examinations. Else more, in an upcoming event in March, the students from the UNWE will be awarded the ICAEW scholarship consisting of free access to MS Excel training, course in the field of cloud accounting, webinars, resources for improving the ...
Two-Factor Authentication System Registered as Useful Model Was Presented to Rectors Managing Body 3/1/2019 ... to make immediate registration during the lessons or examinations with no chance of using another person`s electronic card. The possibilities of the two-factor system of authentication by facial recognition enhance the security level of the academic process ...
4th National Meeting of the Association of Economic Schools in Bulgaria 6/13/2018 ... scales for the state mature and qualification examinations, alterations in the Uniform Cost Model, etc. The participants in the event adopted also the AESB activity plan for the academic year 2018 – 2019 ...
Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and MDV 5/22/2018 ... start training in the shortest terms and to go in for examinations for professional level on the ACCA Programme. MDV will assist for the training of students in line with the new teaching methods of practical orientation and accent on real situations. Students will acquire knowledge and skills on academic ...
UNWE Hosted the Celebration of Girls in ICT Day 2018 5/2/2018 ... started conducting electronic prospective student examinations. 7 years ago we incorporated also the electronic Main Book containing the information about each of our 22 000 students. From the beginning of the current academic year all our first year students have electronic Student Books – ...
UNWE and ICAEW Continue Being Partners in Learning 3/27/2018 ... for the EQD of Bachelor and has recognized 6 examinations of UNWE students: The ICAEW has accredited the speciality Finance and Accountancy in English for the EQD of Master and has recognized 1 examination of UNWE ...
Huge Student Interest in the First ICAEW Educational Film “False Assurance” 3/27/2018 ... and Accountancy Faculty, the ICAEW had recognized 5 examinations of UNWE students for the qualification in the field of finance, accountancy and business (ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business) and 7 examinations of UNWE students for the qualification of certified accountant “ (ICAEW ...
Official Ceremony on Awarding Certificates to the Winners in the National Competition in Finance and Accountancy 12/21/2017 ... and New Year holidays, success in your mature examinations, have wonderful moments at your graduation balls and we wait for you at our university, wished the pupils Prof. Stattev.   Your first great dream to become students of UNWE has already come true and the day is known through the morning ...
Seminar: Open the Door to Your International Career in Accountancy and Finance 11/3/2017 ... and completely free recognition of the rest five examinations of the professional qualification (including the examinations on modules Business and Finance, Management Information, Law, Assurance, Principles of Taxation), pointed out Assoc. Prof. Pozharevska. She outlined that the largest professional ...
Introductory Press-Conference in Relation to the Construction of New Educational Building of UNWE 10/13/2017 ... had been used for the electronic prospective student examinations and a year later for the electronic examinations of the first and second year students. The new two test centers will meet the demands of Faculties and Departments as well as the demands of other institutions in contractual relations with the ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Bulgaria 11/24/2016 ... from the ACFE – Bulgaria after four successful examinations in the English language. The major objective of the agreements we have concluded with professional organizations and state institutions in the field of finance, accountancy and financial control is to provide internship practices for our ...
Joint Accreditation Programme Launched by UNWE, ICAEW and IDES 11/15/2016 ... enabling them to proceed to the final IDES written examinations for the CPA qualification. In parallel, graduates of relevant UNWE Bachelor`s Degrees receive credits for the first six modules of the ICAEW ACA qualification. Through an agreed workstream under the Joint Accreditation Programme, ICAEW will ...
Open Doors Day at The UNWE 4/15/2016 ... , prospective student examinations, submission of documents, etc. Denis Dimitrov Violet Marinova Assoc. Prof. Stela Raleva awarded Certificates to students who had taken active part in the campaign entitled Apply at the UNWE (in ...
The Largest Professional Accounting Organization Recognized The Examinations of Students from The Finance and Accountancy Faculty 11/23/2015 ... Wales (ICAEW) recognized all examinations of students from the Finance and Accountancy Faculty of UNWE for the first certification level. There are two professional organizations in the world which prepare chartered accountants and hold 100% of the market in ...
Open Doors Day at The Regional Center for Distance Learning - Haskovo 4/19/2013 ... the preliminary or regular examinations for prospective students at the UNWE. The future alumni of the university and Regional Center in Haskovo met also with some of the lecturers and learnt about the opportunities for scholarships and work as well as ...
General Assembly Gave Positive Assessment for Work of The Rectors Management Body 12/20/2012 ... new website and domain, more examinations in electronic format, admission for Master`s degree by e-test, e-library – those were part of the results pointed out by the Rector as completed activities during the reported period. It has been also envisaged a ...
Patricia Luisa Inhos Selfa Presented The Activity of The Cervantes Institute to Students and Lecturers 5/2/2012 ... and respondent for DELE examinations presented the activity of the Institute as well as the certified examinations to students and lecturers of UNWE . Donja Patricia was presented to the audience by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Kojuharova, Head of the ...

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