The University of National and World Economy /UNWE/ is the largest and the eldest higher economic school in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe. It has a history of 105 years.
The UNWE was established in 1920 by 11 prominent professors, businessmen and public figures, historians, sociologists and lawyers as the Free University of Political and Economic Sciences by Order No. 2155 of 5 July 1920 of the Minister of National Enlightment and Decree No. 58 of 1924 of Tsar Boris III.
The founder and first Rector was Prof. Stefan Bobchev - European graduate, patriot, Minister of National Enlightment, associate member of several foreign academies of sciences.
In 1940 the Free University of Political and Economic Sciences was transformed into the State Higher School of Financial and Administrative Sciences /State Gazette No. 126 of 7 June 1940/. In 1947 it was transformed into the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at Sofia University.
In 1952 the independence of the University was restored under the name Higher Economic Institute /HEI/ by Decree No. 26 /Izvestia, No. 10 of 1 February 1952/. In 1953 it was named Karl Marx Higher Economic Institute by Decree No. 89 /Izvestia, No. 23 of 20 March 1953/.
On 27 April 1990 the Academic Council decided to transform Karl Marx Higher Economic Institute into the University of National and World Economy. The official transformation of the higher education institution came into force by the Decision of the National Assembly on the establishment and transformation of higher education institutions /State Gazette No. 68 of 26 July 1995/.
Rectors and Vice-Rectors of the UNWE
from the beginning to the present times