Quality Management System
The Quality Management System /QMS/ of UNWE is incorporated on the basis of Rector`s Decree dated 10 May 2005. The re-certificating audit done by the international certification organization NQA in June 2020 has confirmed that the UNWE QMS is effective and registered as conforming to the requirements of International Standard ISO 9001: 2015.
The range of the Quality System covers the conduction of training in all degrees and forms of higher and continuous education; management and sustain of quality of training, quality of academic staff and scientific research at the University and its basic and supporting units. Interested parties and their requirements are identified in the Quality System documentation containing detailed information about the major activities:
- Training of undergraduates, PhD students and post graduate students;
- Scientific research activity;
- Publishing and printing activity;
- Library activity and archive;
- Student dormitories.
For each activity is worked out a process diagram including information about the infrastructure and its surroundings ensuring the conformity of the process; human resources having the necessary competence; input and output elements; monitoring of the process including indicators for measuring the conformity to the requirements; documentation regulating the implementation of the process. The strong and weak points, possibilities and threats are also analyzed.
Internal structures for creation, maintenance and improvement of QMS are established at the University. The major one is the Council on Quality Management having as Chairperson the Vice Rector for Educational Activity. In order to support its activity Commissions on Quality Assurance and Evaluation are structured at university level and at each Faculty.