Обновено: Tuesday, 26 November 2024 16:27


IMPORTANT: The Marketing in the Age of Sustainability module at UNWE is only available for the Fall semesters. Please check back for the academic year 2025/2026.

Module Title: Marketing in the Age of Sustainability

Delivering institution: University of National And World Economy Sofia, Bulgaria


Study level: Bachelor students / undergraduate level

Total module credits: 16


The module combines traditional and contemporary knowledge, which reflects the development of the marketing and innovations (theory and practice). The main focus is shifted from the pure marketing problems to a set of wider, interdisciplinary interactions.

The customer centric approach is followed in order to examine the change of certain aspects of consumer behavior. The process of digitalization (especially in the light of the recent situation) and its reflection on consumer behavior is widely explored throughout the module.

The greater need for responsible consumption is addressed within the context of the behavior of the individual consumer, while the exploration of the B2B relations serves as a background for further clarification of the marketing and innovations aspects of problems such as business transactions, lean supply chain management, ecology etc.

Since the processes of internationalization and  globalization are considered to be vital drivers towards company’s development in the long run, the discussion within the module is brought to a wider level namely by including the scope and challenges of international marketing. The international marketing problems are referred to in the light of the managerial decisions and the strategic role of the processes (internationalization, digitalization and globalization) which take place within the global companies in the contemporary, constantly changing environment. Innovations, being integral part of company’s and consumer’s behavior are explored from a wider angle with the task to outline the whole process and the place of the company and the consumer in it.

Once having mastered the basics, the learners are expected (upon completion of the module) to gain wider knowledge and understanding of the processes which shape the contemporary Marketing.

Teamwork and active participation of all the parties in the learning process is also a key factor, which arms the students not only with knowledge and capability of reasoning and critical thinking, but also with the soft skills needed in the 21st century business environment.