News from month 10, 2023 year
The Institute of Postgraduate Studies Awarded Diplomas to the Graduates of the First Course in Corporate Regulatory Compliance
10/19/2023 12:15:00 PM
The UNWE Trustees Council and the Rector`s Managing Body Met with the Student Senate
10/17/2023 6:50:00 PM
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov: Kaufland is a Huge Business Beyond Economic Activity
10/17/2023 3:55:00 PM
The Rector of UNWE and the Minister of Education Officially Opened the Renovated Block 55B of the Student Dormitories
10/16/2023 9:50:00 PM
The ENGAGE.EU Expedition Week Began at the UNWE
10/16/2023 8:55:00 PM
XXII International Scientific Conference on Bulgaria's EU Membership: 16 Years Later Had the Largest Number of Participants
10/14/2023 5:35:00 PM
The International Economic Relations and Business Department Held a Student Competition on Bulgaria's EU Membership: Sixteen Years Later
10/14/2023 3:15:00 PM
Prof. Dimitrov Was One of the Keynote Speakers at a Discussion on the Interaction between the Science and Business in the Relations between Bulgaria and China
10/13/2023 6:25:00 PM
The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov Welcomed at the UNWE the Winner of Miguel de Cervantes Literary Prize Mr. Sergio Ramirez
10/11/2023 3:38:33 PM
The Rector Visited the University Toulouse Capitole
10/10/2023 9:30:00 PM