Situation at UNWE in relation with the pandemic of COVID-19
Following the recommendations of the Bulgarian government and the order of the Rector of the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, in order to reduce the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2, all lectures and classes for students and other forms of education organized by the University will be in hybrid mode (half of the lectures will be taking place in the university campus and the other half will be online) until 14.11.2021. Please check our website regularly for any updates.
FAQ concerning winter semster 2021/22
1. Has UNWE Sofia decided to cancel the incoming exchange program?
No, our university has decided to accept all incoming exchange students for winter semester 2021/22.
2. If the situation with the pandemic gets worse due to the spread of coronavirus, will you cancel the exchange mobility?
No, our university has backup plans if the situation gets worse. The university has the capability to transfer all studies online immediately in order to protect the safety of all students.
3. If all courses get transferred online, will you allow exchange students to join the program online from their home country?
Yes, all incoming students will still have the chance to take part in the "Erasmus+" program and study our courses online. For any questions regarding grant money, the students have to contact their sending institution.
4. Do you plan to offer a mix of online and on-campus classes?
Yes and that is the exact plan of our university. Half of the lectures will be taking place on the university campus and the other half will be online until 14.11.2021.
5. What measures will be implemented at the university taking into consideration the healthy/ sanitary aspects?
The university is doing its best in order to keep the students protected from the virus. Wearing masks on the university campus is obligatory and any students/teachers without masks will not be allowed to enter the university buildings.
6. Is UNWE planning to organize Orientation Days for the incoming students for winter term 2021/2022?
Unfortunately due to the pandemic of Covid-19, the University of National and World Economy will not be organizing Orientation Days for the incoming students for winter term 2021/2022.