University Centre for Students and Teachers Mobility

Обновено: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 14:07


Exchange students may apply for accommodation in the university’s dormitories.

There is an “Accommodation” section in the Application form where students indicate their wish regarding the accommodation.


1. The monthly rent for UNWE’s dorms is 200lv (approx. 100 euro).

2. There is an obligatory deposit that you have to pay, which will be returned to you once you check out of the room at the end of your stay (500lv or approx. 250 euro). A staff member of the dorms will inspect the room and if there are no damages you will get back the full amount, however, in the case of any damages to the room and/or furniture the sum for the repair will be deducted from the deposit.

3. When you check in the dorms you will sign a couple of documents: accommodation form, declaration that you have read the rules of the dorms, confirmation that you have paid, etc. (all of these documents will be available both in Bulgarian and English). It is advisable that you go to the dorms with your buddy from ESN, so that they can assist you with the whole process and documentation.

4. The dorms will be able to accommodate a total of 45 students, which will be either in block 23A or block 38 in Students Town.

Address of block 23A:  str. 8-mi dekemvri, Studentski grad, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria

Address of block 38: str. Atanas Manchev, Studentski grad, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria

5. IMPORTANT! When you decide to leave, you are OBLIGED to warn the dormitory manager ONE WEEK in advance so that they can arrange a meeting with you to inspect the room and return your deposit. If you do not do that you won’t be able to withdraw your deposit.

6. NOTE: ARRIVING ON WEEKENDS OR DURING THE NIGHT IS NOT POSSIBLE!!! Dormitory administration staff works until 16:00 during weekdays, so after this hour it won't be possible to get accommodated. Also, the weekends are non-working for the staff, so again students won't be able to get accommodated in the dormitories. Usually, students will be in contact with a buddy from ESN (Erasmus Students Network) organization who lives on campus. Please, arrange with him/her on how to get access to the room. Students will receive more information about this a few weeks after they have applied.

7. All rooms at the dormitories are shared, so students will have one or two other roommates. Rooms are equipped with the most necessary furniture – bed, table, chair and a small wardrobe. There are no kitchen facilities. Students will be supplied with a pillow and blankets but we recommend bringing their own linens and towels.

It is the students’ responsibility to clean their rooms, the toilet and shower and the other areas that they have access to. It is also the students’ responsibility to buy their own cleaning tools.


  • Can I share a room with my friends? – It depends. Students get accommodated by the time of their arrival, which means that if you arrive together you will be able to tell the dormitory manager that you want to share a room with a specific person and they will tell you if it is possible or not.
  • Can my boyfriend/girlfriend/friend come to visit and spend the night at the dorms? Yes, but they have to pay as if they were staying at a hotel. The standard fee for one night is 20lv (approx. 10 euro) if they are going to sleep on a separate free bed and 10lv (approx. 5 euro) if they are not going to use a separate bed.
  • What do I have to bring with myself? What will be provided from the dorms? – All rooms at the dormitories are shared, so students will have one or two other roommates. Rooms are equipped with the most necessary furniture – bed, table, chair and a small wardrobe. There are no kitchen facilities. Students will be supplied with a pillow and blankets but we recommend bringing their own linens and towels. It is the students’ responsibility to clean their rooms, the toilet and shower and the other areas that they have access to. It is also the students’ responsibility to buy their own cleaning tools. Originally, rooms are not equipped with Internet connection. Nevertheless, there are a lot of local Internet providers in the campus area and students may sign an individual contract for the period of their stay.
    Regarding bed sheets, pillow, blanket, etc., usually dorm staff provides students with that but it is advisable to take care of this yourselves.

Please be kind to inform our ERASMUS office ([email protected]) for the exact date and time of your arrival at least two weeks in advance

Normally, students will be in contact with a buddy from the ESN (Erasmus Students Netwrok) organization who lives on campus. Please, arrange with him/her on how to get access to the room. Students will receive more information about this a few weeks after they have applied.


•  All the dormitories and the university are situated in district called “Studentski grad” (Student town).  The distance between the dormitory where you will be accommodated and the university is about 5-10 minutes by walk. The address is Studentski grad, str. 8-mi dekemvri, block 23A (София, ж.к. Студентски град, ул. 8-ми декември, блок 23А).