Academic Calendar

Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Year - Bachelor's Degree
Start Date End Date Duration
Academic year opening 17.09.2024
Winter semester 17.09.2024 29.12.2024 15 седмици
Winter session 04.01.2025 18.01.2025 2 седмици
Winter session for distance learning in Sofia and Haskovo 04.01.2025 18.01.2025 2 седмици
Winter resit examination session 19.01.2025 26.01.2025 1 седмици
Winter resit examination session in Sofia and Haskovo 19.01.2025 26.01.2025 1 седмици
Summer semester 27.01.2025 18.05.2025 15 седмици
Summer session 19.05.2025 01.06.2025 2 седмици
Summer session for distance learning 19.05.2025 01.06.2025 2 седмици
Summer resit examination session 02.06.2025 08.06.2025 1 седмици
Yearly resit examination session 09.06.2025 15.06.2025 1 седмици
Yearly resit examination session in Sofia and Haskovo 09.06.2025 15.06.2025 1 седмици
Education practice: Being conducted within the deadlines defined in the curriculum
State examinations
First session: 19.06.2025 29.06.2025
Second session: 17.09.2025 05.10.2025
Third session 2month 2026 3month 2026
Fourth session 6month 2026
Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Year - Speciality Law - Master's Degree after Secondary Education
Start Date End Date Duration
Academic year opening 17.09.2024
Winter semester 17.09.2024 29.12.2024 15 седмици
Winter session 04.01.2025 18.01.2025 2 седмици
Winter resit examination session 19.01.2025 26.01.2025 1 седмици
Summer semester 27.01.2025 18.05.2025 15 седмици
Summer session 19.05.2025 08.06.2025 3 седмици
Summer resit examination session 09.06.2025 15.06.2025 1 седмици
Yearly resit examination session 09.09.2025 14.09.2025 1 седмици
Education practice: Being conducted within the deadlines defined in the curriculum
State exams: According to art. 26 par. 3 of the Regulations for Educational Activities
Terms of Enrollment for All Educational Forms, EQD of Bachelor
Winter semester 2024/2025 17.09.2024 07.10.2024
Summer semester 2024/2025 27.01.2025 21.02.2025
Holidays according to the Labour Code during the Academic Year 2024/2025
Unification Day 06.09.2024
Bulgarian Independence Day 22.09.2024
Bulgaria National Awakening Day 01.11.2024
Christmas Eve and Christmas 24.12.2024 26.12.2024
New Year 01.01.2025
National Day of Republic of Bulgaria 03.03.2025
Easter 18.04.2025 21.04.2025
Labour Day 01.05.2025
A day of bravery and a celebration of the Bulgarian Army 06.05.2025
Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and of Slavic literature 24.05.2025
University Holidays and Vacations during the academic year 2024/2025
Students Day 08.12.2024
New Year university vacation 30.12.2024 03.01.2025
Spring university vacation 14.04.2025 17.04.2025
Day of UNWE 21.05.2025