Journalism Students Held Their First Editorial Meeting

Monday, 23 April 2018 10:20

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The future journalists suggested several topics. The first one included the road accidents in the country and whether the drivers should pass a psychological test. The most discussed topic was about the personal data protection and the scandal about the leak of personal information in the social network Facebook. Georgy Biserinsky reminded that the European Directive on the issue would come into force on 25<sup> </sup>May. He explained that in relation to the personal data protection solid expenditures would be implemented mainly to encrypt the information.

The future journalists suggested several topics. The first one included the road accidents in the country and whether the drivers should pass a psychological test. The most discussed topic was about the personal data protection and the scandal about the leak of personal information in the social network Facebook. Georgy Biserinsky reminded that the European Directive on the issue would come into force on 25 May. He explained that in relation to the personal data protection solid expenditures would be implemented mainly to encrypt the information.


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