Резултати от търсене за inside



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СРОКОВЕ за етапите на класиране, потвърждаване и записване на студентите 8.7.2021 г. ... за онлайн записване на класираните кандидат-студенти 8 юли обявяване на първо класиране с резерви 9 юли - 12 юли потвърждаване или записване на класираните и потвърждаване на резервите - онлайн, на място в Център за прием на документи на ...
Световна Организация за Интелектуална Собственост 18.9.2020 г. ... as innovators and creators inside the country, as well as foreign entities, seek to protect and promote their work in one of the world’s fastest-growing major economies. “Demand for IP protection is rising faster than the rate of global economic ...


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Startup бюлетин 18 - 22 март 22.3.2024 г. ... да промени всичко https://shortly.bg/2m7GY Inside Poland’s Dynamic Startup Scene: Your Personal Cheat Sheet https://shortly.bg/Wvtb0 Payhawk наема още 60 души в България https://shortly.bg/rvL2H Bulgarian-led Pliant Moves Forward with IBM’s Strategic Acquisition ...
Inside Poland’s Dynamic Startup Scene: Your Personal Cheat Sheet 20.3.2024 г. ... the heart of Europe, Poland serves as a bustling crossroads of the East and the West. Surrounded by seven neighboring nations, the country is a vibrant center for innovation and business, playing a pivotal role in the CEE startup landscape.  Let’s shed light on the potential of the ...
Unveiling 5 Soon-to-be Unicorns for 2024 in CEE 31.1.2024 г. ... and Eastern Europe ~ “Hunting” for unicorns isn’t an easy job. Nevertheless, they are not as rare as they once seemed, despite the obstacles startups are facing nowadays. Just two weeks ago, we shared with you our CEE VC Investors Playbook for 2024, based on a ...
Work Shift: The Perils of Hybrid Meetings and How to Fix Them 7.8.2023 г. ... there, it’s Mia, on the Work Shift team for the summer. Welcome back to our weekly newsletter. We want to hear from you, so send your feedback and ideas to me here. And if you haven’t already done so, you can use this link to sign up to our ...
Startup бюлетин 12 - 16 юни 16.6.2023 г. ... .1B, raises $270M https://shortly.bg/kJsM4 Inside the Innovation Ecosystem in Burgas: Top Startups, Hackathons, and Tech Communities https://shortly.bg/b4Ubg AI startup Cohere, now valued at over $2.1B, raises $270M https://shortly.bg/sXw8U A startup 'mass extinction event' has ...
The Power of Packaging: Understanding the Psychology Behind Consumer Behaviour 14.6.2023 г. ... . It isn’t only there to keep the products inside safe and sound—it’s doing much more than that. It’s a secret weapon that businesses use to encourage you to buy their products instead of reaching for one of their competitors. For this reason, packaging is central to branding ...


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