The Rector and The Honorary Rector of UNWE Were Guests at The Congress of The National Branch Syndicate of Higher Education and Science

Thursday, 05 February 2015 14:35

You are viewing photos from The Rector and The Honorary Rector of UNWE Were Guests at The Congress of The National Branch Syndicate of Higher Education and Science

View the full text of The Rector and The Honorary Rector of UNWE Were Guests at The Congress of The National Branch Syndicate of Higher Education and Science

In the Managing body of the Syndicate were elected two lecturers from the UNWE: <b>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov</b> from the Information Technologies and Communications Department &ndash;as a Deputy Chairman and <b>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silivia Tfironova</b> from the Finance Department &ndash; as a Chairwoman of the Control and Auditing Committee.&nbsp;

In the Managing body of the Syndicate were elected two lecturers from the UNWE: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov from the Information Technologies and Communications Department –as a Deputy Chairman and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silivia Tfironova from the Finance Department – as a Chairwoman of the Control and Auditing Committee. 


Photo gallery from The Rector and The Honorary Rector of UNWE Were Guests at The Congress of The Na ...