High Level of Interest in the Preliminary Exam of UNWE in Format of State Matriculation Examination from Prospective Students in the Town of Yambol

Monday, 01 April 2024 10:25

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In Hall 303 the prospective student girl from Vasil Levsky High School of Yambol Anelia Atanasova drew the Examination option №3. The pupils had to choose between an essay on the Harmony between the Man and the Nature and an interpretative essay on the Native Nature - a Refuge of the Spirit /in relation to Ivan Vazov's poem In the Rila Monastery/. The exam was held at high level of organization and strict observation of the established rules.

In Hall 303 the prospective student girl from Vasil Levsky High School of Yambol Anelia Atanasova drew the Examination option №3. The pupils had to choose between an essay on the Harmony between the Man and the Nature and an interpretative essay on the Native Nature - a Refuge of the Spirit /in relation to Ivan Vazov's poem In the Rila Monastery/. The exam was held at high level of organization and strict observation of the established rules.


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