Students of Post-Graduate Qualification on Legal Regulation and Customs Control Received Their Certificates

Tuesday, 03 October 2023 20:20

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"For me one of the most important and valuable things is your contentment that you have expressed not only from kindness but because you find meaning in this training", addressed the attendees the Director of the IPS Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Zhivko Draganov and added: "This training is not only the fruit of our cooperation but we from the UNWE and the National Training Centre of the Customs Agency always had the aspiration to make this training useful for the professional development of the trainees. And in the future we will rely on feedback to improve the training process".

"For me one of the most important and valuable things is your contentment that you have expressed not only from kindness but because you find meaning in this training", addressed the attendees the Director of the IPS Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Zhivko Draganov and added: "This training is not only the fruit of our cooperation but we from the UNWE and the National Training Centre of the Customs Agency always had the aspiration to make this training useful for the professional development of the trainees. And in the future we will rely on feedback to improve the training process".


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