The Winners in the Largest Sports Tournament Organized at Our University Were Awarded

Friday, 07 April 2023 15:10

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Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova and Prof. Dr. Spas Stavrev, lecturer at the Physical Education and Sport Department, awarded the medals to the basketball winners. Two individual awards were also given in this sport and they were for the best player in women's Tournament - Patritsia Balova from the team "The Matsinkite 2" and the best player in men's Tournament - Nikolay Ninov from the team "The Derman Tarikats". The winner in women's basketball Tournament is the team of "Matsinkite 1". They received a cash prize of 1 200 BGN. The second place occupied the team of "The Matsinkite 2", and they received a cash prize of 800 BGN. In men's basketball Tournament the first place won the team "The Derman Tarikats". They also received a cash prize of 1 200 BGN. The second place won the team “Nitros”, they also took a cash prize of 800 BGN and the third place won the team “Berlin”, they received a cash prize of 400 BGN.

Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova and Prof. Dr. Spas Stavrev, lecturer at the Physical Education and Sport Department, awarded the medals to the basketball winners. Two individual awards were also given in this sport and they were for the best player in women's Tournament - Patritsia Balova from the team "The Matsinkite 2" and the best player in men's Tournament - Nikolay Ninov from the team "The Derman Tarikats". The winner in women's basketball Tournament is the team of "Matsinkite 1". They received a cash prize of 1 200 BGN. The second place occupied the team of "The Matsinkite 2", and they received a cash prize of 800 BGN. In men's basketball Tournament the first place won the team "The Derman Tarikats". They also received a cash prize of 1 200 BGN. The second place won the team “Nitros”, they also took a cash prize of 800 BGN and the third place won the team “Berlin”, they received a cash prize of 400 BGN.


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