Day 5 of the Week of the Book Was Focused on the Historical Interpretation and Digital Transformation

Friday, 31 March 2023 19:35

You are viewing photos from Day 5 of the Week of the Book Was Focused on the Historical Interpretation and Digital Transformation

View the full text of Day 5 of the Week of the Book Was Focused on the Historical Interpretation and Digital Transformation

The book is about the ways in which digital transformation is taking place, in which everything is gradually being digitized. It looks at the scope of this transformation and one of its most important aspects and consequences - the creation of big data on a global scale. The dynamics and directions of their development, their relevance to all areas of people's lives and the beginnings of the big data generation process are examined.

The book is about the ways in which digital transformation is taking place, in which everything is gradually being digitized. It looks at the scope of this transformation and one of its most important aspects and consequences - the creation of big data on a global scale. The dynamics and directions of their development, their relevance to all areas of people's lives and the beginnings of the big data generation process are examined.


Photo gallery from Day 5 of the Week of the Book Was Focused on the Historical Interpretation and D ...