Consecutive Academic Oscar for the Most Prestigious University According to the Employers

Monday, 16 January 2023 20:05

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There are not many institutions in the country that can bring together former ministers in one room. It should include the members of the Education Commission, not just the executive power. My kind words are also for 24 Hours newspaper. For 25 years its team has organized over 220 public initiatives. I know of no other institution or media that perseveres so much and tries to help and show solutions to decision makers", said also Iliana Yotova.

There are not many institutions in the country that can bring together former ministers in one room. It should include the members of the Education Commission, not just the executive power. My kind words are also for 24 Hours newspaper. For 25 years its team has organized over 220 public initiatives. I know of no other institution or media that perseveres so much and tries to help and show solutions to decision makers", said also Iliana Yotova.


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