First Place for UNWE in the Ranking of Universities at the National Student Olympiad in Mathematics

Sunday, 15 May 2022 21:10

You are viewing photos from First Place for UNWE in the Ranking of Universities at the National Student Olympiad in Mathematics

View the full text of First Place for UNWE in the Ranking of Universities at the National Student Olympiad in Mathematics

At the opening of the Olympiad Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maya Mikrenska, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Head of the Department of Mathematics at UNWE welcomed the students and lecturers. "I am happy to see so many young people, it shows that you will have a good future, and the interest in Mathematics is a sign that you will be successful. I hope that with your participation in this Olympiad you will gain an even greater incentive to develop your own talents. I am happy to meet with my colleagues and your teachers from the various universities to share experiences and share problems". She reminded that since 2010 NSOM has been held with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science and a long-term sponsor is the Eureka Foundation which supports young people".

At the opening of the Olympiad Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maya Mikrenska, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Head of the Department of Mathematics at UNWE welcomed the students and lecturers. "I am happy to see so many young people, it shows that you will have a good future, and the interest in Mathematics is a sign that you will be successful. I hope that with your participation in this Olympiad you will gain an even greater incentive to develop your own talents. I am happy to meet with my colleagues and your teachers from the various universities to share experiences and share problems". She reminded that since 2010 NSOM has been held with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science and a long-term sponsor is the Eureka Foundation which supports young people".


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