UNWE Ranks First in Southwestern Advantage Among More Than 200 Universities

Tuesday, 08 February 2022 18:50

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<span>The event was attended by the Chairman of the Student Council at UNWE Angel Stoykov, the Director of the Interuniversity Center for Career Development Atanas Dimitrov, Vasil Chakardakov, Sales Director of Southwestern Advantage and representatives of the company.</span>

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Student Council at UNWE Angel Stoykov, the Director of the Interuniversity Center for Career Development Atanas Dimitrov, Vasil Chakardakov, Sales Director of Southwestern Advantage and representatives of the company.

<span>"It is an honor and pleasure for me to attend the event. This award is proof that our students are well prepared and education at UNWE is commensurate with world standards, "said Rector Prof. Dimitrov and noted that the university is proud to have graduates such as Mr. Chakardakov, who show that graduating UNWE has learned a lot and successfully applies their knowledge and skills not only in Bulgaria but also abroad.</span>

"It is an honor and pleasure for me to attend the event. This award is proof that our students are well prepared and education at UNWE is commensurate with world standards, "said Rector Prof. Dimitrov and noted that the university is proud to have graduates such as Mr. Chakardakov, who show that graduating UNWE has learned a lot and successfully applies their knowledge and skills not only in Bulgaria but also abroad.

<span>The president of the company Dan Moore praised our students for their hard work and success and emphasized "We have a common mission, which we follow together with the universities in the project. This is to prepare young people to contribute their efforts and make the world a better place. We can do it differently, but we work together and the result is there. "</span>

The president of the company Dan Moore praised our students for their hard work and success and emphasized "We have a common mission, which we follow together with the universities in the project. This is to prepare young people to contribute their efforts and make the world a better place. We can do it differently, but we work together and the result is there. "

<span>"I am extremely proud and happy to say that since we started working seriously with the University of National and World Economy in the face of the Student Council and the Interuniversity Center for Career Development, we have achieved greater and greater success. In 2015 was our first breakthrough, when UNWE entered the Top 10 and took 8th place. With each passing year we moved further and further in the rankings, in 2020 we reached 3rd place. This year we carry the coveted cup and we ranked UNWE in the first place ", said Vasil Chakardakov and added that there is a very good collaboration between the university and our company, because both the university and we have the same goal, to help young people to be better prepared, more educated and more experienced for life after university, for better realization ".</span>

"I am extremely proud and happy to say that since we started working seriously with the University of National and World Economy in the face of the Student Council and the Interuniversity Center for Career Development, we have achieved greater and greater success. In 2015 was our first breakthrough, when UNWE entered the Top 10 and took 8th place. With each passing year we moved further and further in the rankings, in 2020 we reached 3rd place. This year we carry the coveted cup and we ranked UNWE in the first place ", said Vasil Chakardakov and added that there is a very good collaboration between the university and our company, because both the university and we have the same goal, to help young people to be better prepared, more educated and more experienced for life after university, for better realization ".

<span>"This achievement is the result of our work and beneficial partnership with Southwestern Advantage and raises the authority of UNWE to an extremely high level not only in Bulgaria and Europe, but also in America," said Angel Stoykov.</span>

"This achievement is the result of our work and beneficial partnership with Southwestern Advantage and raises the authority of UNWE to an extremely high level not only in Bulgaria and Europe, but also in America," said Angel Stoykov.

<span>"This award is a testament to the fact that our students are extremely prepared and can work in a multicultural environment. In an environment in which they show that in comparison with all these 200 universities, with which they compete in one field, the students of UNWE are number 1", said Atanas Dimitrov and added "Let us wish to continue and strengthen this tradition next year" In the face of the Career Center, the Student Council and the whole university, you have an outstretched hand, our partnership with Southwestern Advantage is extremely good and useful."</span>

"This award is a testament to the fact that our students are extremely prepared and can work in a multicultural environment. In an environment in which they show that in comparison with all these 200 universities, with which they compete in one field, the students of UNWE are number 1", said Atanas Dimitrov and added "Let us wish to continue and strengthen this tradition next year" In the face of the Career Center, the Student Council and the whole university, you have an outstretched hand, our partnership with Southwestern Advantage is extremely good and useful."

<span>Southwestern Advantage was founded in 1855 in Nashville, Tennessee as Southwestern Publishing House, and adopted its current name in 2011. The company recruits and trains college and student to sell educational books, software and website subscriptions "door to door". &ldquo;Through direct sales methods.</span>

Southwestern Advantage was founded in 1855 in Nashville, Tennessee as Southwestern Publishing House, and adopted its current name in 2011. The company recruits and trains college and student to sell educational books, software and website subscriptions "door to door". “Through direct sales methods.

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