The Rector of UNWE and The Ombudsman of The Republic of Bulgaria Signed An Agreement of Cooperation

Monday, 17 October 2016 15:25

You are viewing photos from The Rector of UNWE and The Ombudsman of The Republic of Bulgaria Signed An Agreement of Cooperation

View the full text of The Rector of UNWE and The Ombudsman of The Republic of Bulgaria Signed An Agreement of Cooperation

The Dean of the Law Faculty Assoc. Prof. D.Sc.(Law) Jivko Draganov outlined that the Agreement would be exceptionally useful for the students.

The Dean of the Law Faculty Assoc. Prof. D.Sc.(Law) Jivko Draganov outlined that the Agreement would be exceptionally useful for the students.


Photo gallery from The Rector of UNWE and The Ombudsman of The Republic of Bulgaria Signed An Agree ...