Students from The Law Faculty Visited The Open Doors Day at The Sofia City Court

Friday, 17 April 2015 16:25

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By the invitation of the judge Vladimir Yordanov, Chairman of the Sofia City Court, on 16 April a group of 10 students from the speciality Law and their lecturers from the Law Faculty of UNWE along with their colleagues from St.
 Climent Ohridski University of Sofia visited the Court on the occasion of the Open Doors Day. 

By the invitation of the judge Vladimir Yordanov, Chairman of the Sofia City Court, on 16 April a group of 10 students from the speciality Law and their lecturers from the Law Faculty of UNWE along with their colleagues from St. Climent Ohridski University of Sofia visited the Court on the occasion of the Open Doors Day. 

The event was organized in honour of the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Day of the Lawyer. By the assistance of the Administrative Secretary Kapka Lozeva and the Court Press Officer Milena Orozova the
 students examined in details the activity of all units at the institution. They visited and had a conversation with employees at the clerk offices of Sofia City Court, attended the General Archive Service, repository for cases, the Summons Desk, etc.

The event was organized in honour of the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Day of the Lawyer. By the assistance of the Administrative Secretary Kapka Lozeva and the Court Press Officer Milena Orozova the students examined in details the activity of all units at the institution. They visited and had a conversation with employees at the clerk offices of Sofia City Court, attended the General Archive Service, repository for cases, the Summons Desk, etc.

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