Public Lecture on The Intellectual Property Protection in The USA and Bulgaria

Thursday, 28 February 2013 17:35

You are viewing photos from Public Lecture on The Intellectual Property Protection in The USA and Bulgaria

View the full text of Public Lecture on The Intellectual Property Protection in The USA and Bulgaria

Seiji Shiratori outlined he had worked on the topic for intellectual property in Bulgaria for several years and stated that the country had made serious steps in the field. By a lot of examples and comparative data he illustrated how were applied into practice the rights on intellectual property and spoke about the fight against fakes and piracy which had reached endangering scales nowadays having a considerable impact on innovations, growth and consumers safety.

Seiji Shiratori outlined he had worked on the topic for intellectual property in Bulgaria for several years and stated that the country had made serious steps in the field. By a lot of examples and comparative data he illustrated how were applied into practice the rights on intellectual property and spoke about the fight against fakes and piracy which had reached endangering scales nowadays having a considerable impact on innovations, growth and consumers safety.


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