In the Motherland of Accountancy – Italy, Bank Accountancy Is Taught on the Basis of UNWE Textbook

Friday, 19 January 2024 14:55

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The University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy will teach Bank Accountancy on the basis of the English textbook by Prof. Dr. Stoyan Stoyanov, Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschiyan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilia Rangelova.

The University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy will teach Bank Accountancy on the basis of the English textbook by Prof. Dr. Stoyan Stoyanov, Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschiyan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilia Rangelova.

At the request by Prof. Guido Migliaccio, lecturer in Accountancy at the University of Sannio, and Prof. Biagio Simonetti, Institutional Coordinator for the Erasmus+ Programme, the UNWE Accountancy and Analysis Department has donated textbooks to the Italian University for the courses taught in English so that the students could be trained in this fundamental accountancy discipline.  

At the request by Prof. Guido Migliaccio, lecturer in Accountancy at the University of Sannio, and Prof. Biagio Simonetti, Institutional Coordinator for the Erasmus+ Programme, the UNWE Accountancy and Analysis Department has donated textbooks to the Italian University for the courses taught in English so that the students could be trained in this fundamental accountancy discipline.  

The newly elected Head of the Department Prof. Daniela Feschiyan awarded the donation to the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and through Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamelia Assenova, Director of the University Center for Students and Lecturers Mobility and UNWE Institutional Coordinator for Erasmus+ Programme, it will reach the homeland of Accountancy - Italy.

The newly elected Head of the Department Prof. Daniela Feschiyan awarded the donation to the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and through Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamelia Assenova, Director of the University Center for Students and Lecturers Mobility and UNWE Institutional Coordinator for Erasmus+ Programme, it will reach the homeland of Accountancy - Italy.

"I don't remember having another case like this one", outlined Prof. Dimitrov. He reminded that one of the main priorities for his new mandate /December 2023 - December 2027/ is precisely the internationalization of education. "I am glad that the examples of scientific and educational synergy begin from the first days of the new year. Our Department has a very developed professional field of Banking and Public Sector Accountancy where unsurpassed scholars in Accounting Science have taught such as Prof. Kosta Pergelov, then Prof. Stoyan Stoyanov, Prof. Feschiyan who headed the management of the professional field after Prof. Stoyanov, her scientific supervisor", noted the Rector.

"I don't remember having another case like this one", outlined Prof. Dimitrov. He reminded that one of the main priorities for his new mandate /December 2023 - December 2027/ is precisely the internationalization of education. "I am glad that the examples of scientific and educational synergy begin from the first days of the new year. Our Department has a very developed professional field of Banking and Public Sector Accountancy where unsurpassed scholars in Accounting Science have taught such as Prof. Kosta Pergelov, then Prof. Stoyan Stoyanov, Prof. Feschiyan who headed the management of the professional field after Prof. Stoyanov, her scientific supervisor", noted the Rector.

"During the summer of 2023 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamelia Assenova, Director of the University Centre for Students and Lecturers Mobility, informed us about the visit of Prof. Guido Migliaccio. Prof. Dr. Snezhana Basheva and I had to quickly organize an exchange of experience, to identify our points of contact for building a strategy for the subsequent launch of a collaborative programme between the two universities. The Department was very active in the discussions with <span>Prof. Guido Migliaccio</span> and in one of them we gave him our textbook on Bank Accountancy in English published by the University Publiching Complex in 2012. It is also the first Bulgarian textbook devoted to the discipline Accountacy in English. We used it in 2015 during the launch of the pilot project for our Bachelor's degree programme in Finance and Accountancy taught in English which we are very proud of and in my opinion it is the most valuable result of my work as Vice Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty over the term of Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov as Dean", said Prof. Feschiyan.

"During the summer of 2023 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamelia Assenova, Director of the University Centre for Students and Lecturers Mobility, informed us about the visit of Prof. Guido Migliaccio. Prof. Dr. Snezhana Basheva and I had to quickly organize an exchange of experience, to identify our points of contact for building a strategy for the subsequent launch of a collaborative programme between the two universities. The Department was very active in the discussions with Prof. Guido Migliaccio and in one of them we gave him our textbook on Bank Accountancy in English published by the University Publiching Complex in 2012. It is also the first Bulgarian textbook devoted to the discipline Accountacy in English. We used it in 2015 during the launch of the pilot project for our Bachelor's degree programme in Finance and Accountancy taught in English which we are very proud of and in my opinion it is the most valuable result of my work as Vice Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty over the term of Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov as Dean", said Prof. Feschiyan.

Prof. Guido Migliaccio was very impressed by the fact that more than 10 years ago the UNWE had launched Bachelor`s degree programme in Finance and Accountancy taught in English and said that the Italian university hadn`t had a textbook in English on such fundamental discipline as the Bank Accountancy.

Prof. Guido Migliaccio was very impressed by the fact that more than 10 years ago the UNWE had launched Bachelor`s degree programme in Finance and Accountancy taught in English and said that the Italian university hadn`t had a textbook in English on such fundamental discipline as the Bank Accountancy.

"This statement made us feel very proud. In Italy - the homeland of Accountancy and the first banks, it is a great recognition that the Bank Accountancy is taught on the basis of textbook by Bulgarian professors", outlined Prof. Feschiyan.<span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span>

"This statement made us feel very proud. In Italy - the homeland of Accountancy and the first banks, it is a great recognition that the Bank Accountancy is taught on the basis of textbook by Bulgarian professors", outlined Prof. Feschiyan.

"I believe that the eldest and the most prestigious accounting Department in Bulgaria - the 104-year-old Accountancy and Analysis Department at UNWE deserves this high recognition and it is the result of the team dedication and continuity of all generations of scientists who have taught there. As Prof. Pergelov was saying "When you stand on the shoulders of giants, you see far", reminded Prof. Feschiyan.<span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span>

"I believe that the eldest and the most prestigious accounting Department in Bulgaria - the 104-year-old Accountancy and Analysis Department at UNWE deserves this high recognition and it is the result of the team dedication and continuity of all generations of scientists who have taught there. As Prof. Pergelov was saying "When you stand on the shoulders of giants, you see far", reminded Prof. Feschiyan.

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