The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov Delivered a Report on the Financing of Higher Education at the Solemn Meeting of the Council of Rectors

Friday, 17 November 2023 20:40

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View the full text of The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov Delivered a Report on the Financing of Higher Education at the Solemn Meeting of the Council of Rectors

"The Council of Rectors embodies the idea of university autonomy to the highest degree. For me, your greatest task is to maintain solidarity among you. The task of the Council is to rise above the inevitable group interests and look at the whole, above all to express the common interest of the entire higher education system which is also the interest of our children, the young people who will build the Bulgaria of tomorrow", said the Vice-President. She emphasized that the common interest is for Bulgarian universities to be competitive in the European and global educational space and not to try to compete with each other, to create new, innovative forms and conditions to attract and retain the Bulgarian and foreign students and to encourage the young scientists to study and develop in Bulgaria.

"The Council of Rectors embodies the idea of university autonomy to the highest degree. For me, your greatest task is to maintain solidarity among you. The task of the Council is to rise above the inevitable group interests and look at the whole, above all to express the common interest of the entire higher education system which is also the interest of our children, the young people who will build the Bulgaria of tomorrow", said the Vice-President. She emphasized that the common interest is for Bulgarian universities to be competitive in the European and global educational space and not to try to compete with each other, to create new, innovative forms and conditions to attract and retain the Bulgarian and foreign students and to encourage the young scientists to study and develop in Bulgaria.


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