Scientific Conference on the Innovative Information Technologies for the Digitalization of the Economy on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of Speciality Business Informatics and Communications

Friday, 20 October 2023 19:25

You are viewing photos from Scientific Conference on the Innovative Information Technologies for the Digitalization of the Economy on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of Speciality Business Informatics and Communications

View the full text of Scientific Conference on the Innovative Information Technologies for the Digitalization of the Economy on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of Speciality Business Informatics and Communications

"All of us in this hall have chosen to deal with issues that serve the humanity. The dynamics of the change comes from the information technologies development which were set in one room long time ago but is now they are in the hands of each of us. The most important thing is that we increase our knowledge every day and monitor the dynamics of change. We are grateful that the graduates of this Department are appreciated not only in the country but also abroad. Our graduates are employed in various companies and fields all over the world. I wish them all a successful path, a creative development that pleased the personality and the society we serve", said Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova.

"All of us in this hall have chosen to deal with issues that serve the humanity. The dynamics of the change comes from the information technologies development which were set in one room long time ago but is now they are in the hands of each of us. The most important thing is that we increase our knowledge every day and monitor the dynamics of change. We are grateful that the graduates of this Department are appreciated not only in the country but also abroad. Our graduates are employed in various companies and fields all over the world. I wish them all a successful path, a creative development that pleased the personality and the society we serve", said Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova.


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