Prof. D.Sc. Lyubomir Stoykov Presented His New Book Public Communication and Media Morphoses

Friday, 16 June 2023 17:35

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View the full text of Prof. D.Sc. Lyubomir Stoykov Presented His New Book Public Communication and Media Morphoses

Prof. Stoykov highlights some of the most significant reasons for the big blunders in the behaviour and communication of politicians as well as the important advantages of digital PR and the challenges of communication in pandemic conditions. The author further emphasizes: "Neopostmodern criteria to qualitative science and theory increasingly require a hybridization between the fragmentary and the conceptual, the emotional and the rational, the dynamic and the static. I will be contented if I have filled - even partially - with qualitative content the existing communication and media niches. For the new in science is unthinkable without the daring analysis of marginal, "residual," "undervalued," and arrogantly ignored phenomena".

Prof. Stoykov highlights some of the most significant reasons for the big blunders in the behaviour and communication of politicians as well as the important advantages of digital PR and the challenges of communication in pandemic conditions. The author further emphasizes: "Neopostmodern criteria to qualitative science and theory increasingly require a hybridization between the fragmentary and the conceptual, the emotional and the rational, the dynamic and the static. I will be contented if I have filled - even partially - with qualitative content the existing communication and media niches. For the new in science is unthinkable without the daring analysis of marginal, "residual," "undervalued," and arrogantly ignored phenomena".


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