Taiwan Foundation Donates Smart Lighting for Bonsist Sports Complex in the Amount of 120 000 USD

Thursday, 18 May 2023 18:40

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The total project cost is 120 000 USD provided by the TEIA Foundation. The agreement provides for a partnership to be built for smart lighting, energy efficiency and energy conservation. The objectives of the project are: 1/ Implementation of an innovative cloud-based IoT (Internet of Things) intelligent lighting monitoring and control system at Bonsist Sport Complex for energy efficiency, power and cost savings leading to financial and environmental benefits for a sustainable green environment and global development; 2/ Establishment of partnership for best practices of smart energy in planning and implementation to support continuous research and development of operational energy and lighting strategies.

The total project cost is 120 000 USD provided by the TEIA Foundation. The agreement provides for a partnership to be built for smart lighting, energy efficiency and energy conservation. The objectives of the project are: 1/ Implementation of an innovative cloud-based IoT (Internet of Things) intelligent lighting monitoring and control system at Bonsist Sport Complex for energy efficiency, power and cost savings leading to financial and environmental benefits for a sustainable green environment and global development; 2/ Establishment of partnership for best practices of smart energy in planning and implementation to support continuous research and development of operational energy and lighting strategies.

"It`s an honour for me to be present at the signing of this contract and would like to greet the UNWE and TEIA for the successful project which is implemented with the assistance of the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry of e-Government of Bulgaria", said the Taiwan representative Mr. Sherman S. Kuo. "The implementation of the project will lead to a reduction of the electricity used as well as to a decrease in costs for the university. I believe that this project is of utmost importance and will contribute to strengthening the relations and cooperation between Taiwan and Bulgaria in the high-tech sector. I am confident in the successful implementation of the project and further cooperation", said Mr. Sherman S. Kuo and expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to the project realization.

"It`s an honour for me to be present at the signing of this contract and would like to greet the UNWE and TEIA for the successful project which is implemented with the assistance of the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry of e-Government of Bulgaria", said the Taiwan representative Mr. Sherman S. Kuo. "The implementation of the project will lead to a reduction of the electricity used as well as to a decrease in costs for the university. I believe that this project is of utmost importance and will contribute to strengthening the relations and cooperation between Taiwan and Bulgaria in the high-tech sector. I am confident in the successful implementation of the project and further cooperation", said Mr. Sherman S. Kuo and expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to the project realization.

"We greatly appreciate the generous donation to our University”, said the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. "I would like to emphasize that the UNWE as the largest business university in the region has undertaken a number of measures for energy efficiency, reduction of harmful emissions and improvement of all conditions related to the educational process and soon we will begin the implementation of a project for the utilization of energy from renewable sources through the construction of a photovoltaic installation for the production of electricity, the so-called green energy. The project between the UNWE and the Environmental Information Association /TEIA/ was prepared very carefully. I would like to express special thanks to Prof. Dimitar Velev who was the major person in relations between the UNWE and TEIA and played an important role in the realization of the project. It is a first, very important step in our further cooperation with TEIA", emphasized the Rector and expressed thankfulness both to the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry of e-Government for their support.

"We greatly appreciate the generous donation to our University”, said the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. "I would like to emphasize that the UNWE as the largest business university in the region has undertaken a number of measures for energy efficiency, reduction of harmful emissions and improvement of all conditions related to the educational process and soon we will begin the implementation of a project for the utilization of energy from renewable sources through the construction of a photovoltaic installation for the production of electricity, the so-called green energy. The project between the UNWE and the Environmental Information Association /TEIA/ was prepared very carefully. I would like to express special thanks to Prof. Dimitar Velev who was the major person in relations between the UNWE and TEIA and played an important role in the realization of the project. It is a first, very important step in our further cooperation with TEIA", emphasized the Rector and expressed thankfulness both to the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry of e-Government for their support.

"For 7 years we have been making tremendous efforts and struggling to give life to this project so the signing of today's agreement is a tremendous victory and a cause for celebration for both the TEIA and our university", paid attention Prof. Dr. Dimitar Velev.

"For 7 years we have been making tremendous efforts and struggling to give life to this project so the signing of today's agreement is a tremendous victory and a cause for celebration for both the TEIA and our university", paid attention Prof. Dr. Dimitar Velev.

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