The Rector Met with Prospective Students in Tsaribrod

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 15:05

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The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov together with representatives of the Consultative Council for the Prospective Students Campaign visited neighbour Serbia and met with prospective students. Meetings with the pupils from St. St. Cyril and Methodius High School and with the largest local employers were held at the Cultural Information Center of the Bulgarian minority in Tsaribrod.

The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov together with representatives of the Consultative Council for the Prospective Students Campaign visited neighbour Serbia and met with prospective students. Meetings with the pupils from St. St. Cyril and Methodius High School and with the largest local employers were held at the Cultural Information Center of the Bulgarian minority in Tsaribrod.

Along with the Rector the advantages of studying at the UNWE were presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Affairs, Chief Assist. Dr. Emilia Duneva from the Management Department, Julian Prilepsky, Director of Property Management Directorate and the Director of Rector's Office Gergana Kirilova. Stephanie Tsvetkov <i>/on the left in the photo below/</i>, a graduate of the same high school and already a student in the UNWE Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship, also took part in the presentation.

Along with the Rector the advantages of studying at the UNWE were presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Affairs, Chief Assist. Dr. Emilia Duneva from the Management Department, Julian Prilepsky, Director of Property Management Directorate and the Director of Rector's Office Gergana Kirilova. Stephanie Tsvetkov /on the left in the photo below/, a graduate of the same high school and already a student in the UNWE Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship, also took part in the presentation.

Along with the Rector the advantages of studying at the UNWE were presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Affairs, Chief Assist. Dr. Emilia Duneva from the Management Department, Julian Prilepsky, Director of Property Management Directorate and the Director of Rector's Office Gergana Kirilova. Stephanie Tsvetkov <i>/on the left in the photo below/</i>, a graduate of the same high school and already a student in the UNWE Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship, also took part in the presentation.

Along with the Rector the advantages of studying at the UNWE were presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Affairs, Chief Assist. Dr. Emilia Duneva from the Management Department, Julian Prilepsky, Director of Property Management Directorate and the Director of Rector's Office Gergana Kirilova. Stephanie Tsvetkov /on the left in the photo below/, a graduate of the same high school and already a student in the UNWE Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship, also took part in the presentation.

A good news for the prospective students from the town of Tsaribrod was the increased by 50 percent number of applicants to the UNWE in all professional fields as well as the opportunity to submit documents for the specialty Law at our university. It was also reminded how to apply - through the platform of the Ministry of Education.

A good news for the prospective students from the town of Tsaribrod was the increased by 50 percent number of applicants to the UNWE in all professional fields as well as the opportunity to submit documents for the specialty Law at our university. It was also reminded how to apply - through the platform of the Ministry of Education.

The prospective students were also given detailed explanations about the specifics of the application process, deadlines, specialties, international exchange opportunities under the ENGAGE.EU and Erasmus+ Programme, dormitory accommodation, sports opportunities, etc.

The prospective students were also given detailed explanations about the specifics of the application process, deadlines, specialties, international exchange opportunities under the ENGAGE.EU and Erasmus+ Programme, dormitory accommodation, sports opportunities, etc.

The prospective students were also given detailed explanations about the specifics of the application process, deadlines, specialties, international exchange opportunities under the ENGAGE.EU and Erasmus+ Programme, dormitory accommodation, sports opportunities, etc.

The prospective students were also given detailed explanations about the specifics of the application process, deadlines, specialties, international exchange opportunities under the ENGAGE.EU and Erasmus+ Programme, dormitory accommodation, sports opportunities, etc.

Many new plans and initiatives were discussed with the director Bratislav Stamenov, the teacher in Language, Media and Communication Sneza Milanov and the Secretary of the Cultural Information Centre Dalibor Milanov. The Library of the High School and the Cultural Information Centre were awarded a donation of books on economic themes published by the UNWE.

Many new plans and initiatives were discussed with the director Bratislav Stamenov, the teacher in Language, Media and Communication Sneza Milanov and the Secretary of the Cultural Information Centre Dalibor Milanov. The Library of the High School and the Cultural Information Centre were awarded a donation of books on economic themes published by the UNWE.

"Our relations has been going on for several years. UNWE is, perhaps, the only university that has a memorandum of cooperation with the Centre. We hold various initiatives, our students used to come on site. Now we talked about the ways of application. We want to make this procedure easier", said the Rector Prof. Dimitrov.

"Our relations has been going on for several years. UNWE is, perhaps, the only university that has a memorandum of cooperation with the Centre. We hold various initiatives, our students used to come on site. Now we talked about the ways of application. We want to make this procedure easier", said the Rector Prof. Dimitrov.

"Our relations has been going on for several years. UNWE is, perhaps, the only university that has a memorandum of cooperation with the Centre. We hold various initiatives, our students used to come on site. Now we talked about the ways of application. We want to make this procedure easier", said the Rector Prof. Dimitrov.

"Our relations has been going on for several years. UNWE is, perhaps, the only university that has a memorandum of cooperation with the Centre. We hold various initiatives, our students used to come on site. Now we talked about the ways of application. We want to make this procedure easier", said the Rector Prof. Dimitrov.

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