The First Executive MBA Programme between the UNWE and Northern Illinois University Was Presented at the US Embassy in Bulgaria

Friday, 02 December 2022 15:35

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The first dual Master of Business Administration /EMBA/ Programme in Bulgaria between the UNWE and Northern Illinois University /NIU/ was presented at the US Embassy in Bulgaria. The Programme will start in February 2023 and the training will be conducted by professors from the USA in team with lecturers from UNWE.

The first dual Master of Business Administration /EMBA/ Programme in Bulgaria between the UNWE and Northern Illinois University /NIU/ was presented at the US Embassy in Bulgaria. The Programme will start in February 2023 and the training will be conducted by professors from the USA in team with lecturers from UNWE.

At the official presentation at the US Embassy were the host of the event H. E. Ms. Herro Mustafa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America in Bulgaria, the Rector of the UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Ms. Annie Filipova, NIU Representative for Europe and member of the Board of UNWE Former Alumni, Mr. Anthony Preston, Assistant Dean for Graduate Business Programmes of the College of Business, NIU, Assoc. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation and Head of the Programme by the UNWE, lecturers and many guests from leading Bulgarian and international companies.

At the official presentation at the US Embassy were the host of the event H. E. Ms. Herro Mustafa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America in Bulgaria, the Rector of the UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Ms. Annie Filipova, NIU Representative for Europe and member of the Board of UNWE Former Alumni, Mr. Anthony Preston, Assistant Dean for Graduate Business Programmes of the College of Business, NIU, Assoc. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation and Head of the Programme by the UNWE, lecturers and many guests from leading Bulgarian and international companies.

H. E. Ms. Herro Mustafa welcomed the guests and greeted all those who have contributed to the realization of the dual Programme. Ambassador Mustafa pointed out that the Programme is a wonderful opportunity for Bulgarian students to benefit from the experience of the American university and for the American professors to learn about Bulgarian best practices and perspectives. Ambassador Mustafa wished good luck to all lecturers and students who will be part of this joint Programme.

H. E. Ms. Herro Mustafa welcomed the guests and greeted all those who have contributed to the realization of the dual Programme. Ambassador Mustafa pointed out that the Programme is a wonderful opportunity for Bulgarian students to benefit from the experience of the American university and for the American professors to learn about Bulgarian best practices and perspectives. Ambassador Mustafa wished good luck to all lecturers and students who will be part of this joint Programme.

Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov also expressed his gratitude to all those who have contributed to the realization of the Master Programme. He shared to the guests about the successes of our university in academic activities, international and business cooperation and electronization as well as about the readiness of UNWE to meet the challenges of the new times. "The dual EMBA Programme is the pearl in the palette of UNWE Master degree programmes", said in conclusion the Rector.

Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov also expressed his gratitude to all those who have contributed to the realization of the Master Programme. He shared to the guests about the successes of our university in academic activities, international and business cooperation and electronization as well as about the readiness of UNWE to meet the challenges of the new times. "The dual EMBA Programme is the pearl in the palette of UNWE Master degree programmes", said in conclusion the Rector.

Ms. Annie Filipova presented the team that worked on the implementation of the Programme and the opportunities it provides. She also shared details related to the application, the training fees and the schedule. She emphasized on the large number of benefits the Programme provides for everyone who will complete it because it will prepare students for the future and for the transformations that are expected.

Ms. Annie Filipova presented the team that worked on the implementation of the Programme and the opportunities it provides. She also shared details related to the application, the training fees and the schedule. She emphasized on the large number of benefits the Programme provides for everyone who will complete it because it will prepare students for the future and for the transformations that are expected.

Mr. Anthony Preston also expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and exchange of lecturers and knowledge between the two university institutions. He commented on the advantages of the Programme such as the dual degree, the ability to combine study and work, the lower tuition fees compared to the US, the strong global alumni network, etc. He also pointed out that the Programme is appropriate for people who want to acquire managerial skills or to have an excellent career development and run their own companies.

Mr. Anthony Preston also expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and exchange of lecturers and knowledge between the two university institutions. He commented on the advantages of the Programme such as the dual degree, the ability to combine study and work, the lower tuition fees compared to the US, the strong global alumni network, etc. He also pointed out that the Programme is appropriate for people who want to acquire managerial skills or to have an excellent career development and run their own companies.

The event at the Embassy continued with a cocktail and the guests had the opportunity to ask their questions about the EMBA Programme to the hosts and lecturers.

The event at the Embassy continued with a cocktail and the guests had the opportunity to ask their questions about the EMBA Programme to the hosts and lecturers.

The event at the Embassy continued with a cocktail and the guests had the opportunity to ask their questions about the EMBA Programme to the hosts and lecturers.

The event at the Embassy continued with a cocktail and the guests had the opportunity to ask their questions about the EMBA Programme to the hosts and lecturers.

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