The Minister of Interior Boyko Rashkov Opened a Round Table Conference on the Volunteer Formations - Important and Valuable Part in the Fight against Disasters and Fires

Friday, 01 July 2022 16:10

You are viewing photos from The Minister of Interior Boyko Rashkov Opened a Round Table Conference on the Volunteer Formations - Important and Valuable Part in the Fight against Disasters and Fires

View the full text of The Minister of Interior Boyko Rashkov Opened a Round Table Conference on the Volunteer Formations - Important and Valuable Part in the Fight against Disasters and Fires

"Over the next 10-year period we will continue to work extremely hard to reach a point where volunteers are a highly respected community in Bulgaria, to be given the respect they deserve as people who give up part of their free time to help society and to be a model for teenagers to follow in their footsteps. Today the Round Table Conference is attended by volunteers - 10th grade pupils from the town of Belovo who are an example in this respect", said Senior Commissioner Krasimir Shotarov, Director of the Directorate of Operational Activities Diretorate at Fire Safety and Population Protection Directorate General.

"Over the next 10-year period we will continue to work extremely hard to reach a point where volunteers are a highly respected community in Bulgaria, to be given the respect they deserve as people who give up part of their free time to help society and to be a model for teenagers to follow in their footsteps. Today the Round Table Conference is attended by volunteers - 10th grade pupils from the town of Belovo who are an example in this respect", said Senior Commissioner Krasimir Shotarov, Director of the Directorate of Operational Activities Diretorate at Fire Safety and Population Protection Directorate General.


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