Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030

Friday, 18 February 2022 19:30

You are viewing photos from Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030

View the full text of Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030

<em>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov and Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Kiril Stoychev&nbsp;</em><em style="background-color: transparent;">/from the left to the right/</em>

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov and Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Kiril Stoychev /from the left to the right/


Photo gallery from Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education  ...