Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030

Friday, 18 February 2022 19:30

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View the full text of Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030

The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Ivan Ivanov, Senior Director of Corporate Sales of A1 Bulgaria signed an Agreement for the supply, installation and configuration of equipment, furniture and software for digital classrooms and digital laboratories.

The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Ivan Ivanov, Senior Director of Corporate Sales of A1 Bulgaria signed an Agreement for the supply, installation and configuration of equipment, furniture and software for digital classrooms and digital laboratories.

The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Ivan Ivanov, Senior Director of Corporate Sales of A1 Bulgaria signed an Agreement for the supply, installation and configuration of equipment, furniture and software for digital classrooms and digital laboratories.

The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Ivan Ivanov, Senior Director of Corporate Sales of A1 Bulgaria signed an Agreement for the supply, installation and configuration of equipment, furniture and software for digital classrooms and digital laboratories.

In accordance with the project, the UNWE should modify its training, respectively the curricula in Economics and Management, in a way that allows them to be similar to programs in European universities and applicable in modern business conditions. Digital classrooms and digital laboratories, which are an indispensable complement to the modern learning process, are to be put into operation.

In accordance with the project, the UNWE should modify its training, respectively the curricula in Economics and Management, in a way that allows them to be similar to programs in European universities and applicable in modern business conditions. Digital classrooms and digital laboratories, which are an indispensable complement to the modern learning process, are to be put into operation.

<em>Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov,&nbsp;</em><em>Ivan Ivanov and Veselina Lilova,&nbsp;</em><em>Director of Accounting and Financial Reporting&nbsp;</em><em>at A1 Bulgaria at the signing of the contract&nbsp;</em><em>/from the left to the right/</em>

Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Ivan Ivanov and Veselina Lilova, Director of Accounting and Financial Reporting at A1 Bulgaria at the signing of the contract /from the left to the right/

Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov

Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov

"At A1 Bulgaria we have experience in implementing this type of projects. We are the main contractor of the programs for digitalization of schools implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science that have been upgraded in stages over the past three or four years - in 2018 we started with 17 schools, currently we have covered about more than 1100, our client is also Sofia University, said Ivan Ivanov and emphasizing that "our cooperation with the UNWE is not only related to the implementation of this project, we also have an interest in the employees that come out of your university. As an employer, we are very interested, because personally in sales and in the technological part, our practice is to take people from the bench, train them, develop them and from there on they stay to work in the company".

"At A1 Bulgaria we have experience in implementing this type of projects. We are the main contractor of the programs for digitalization of schools implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science that have been upgraded in stages over the past three or four years - in 2018 we started with 17 schools, currently we have covered about more than 1100, our client is also Sofia University, said Ivan Ivanov and emphasizing that "our cooperation with the UNWE is not only related to the implementation of this project, we also have an interest in the employees that come out of your university. As an employer, we are very interested, because personally in sales and in the technological part, our practice is to take people from the bench, train them, develop them and from there on they stay to work in the company".

The signing of the Agreement was attended by Vesselina Lilova, Director of the Accounting and Financial Reporting Directorate, on behalf of A1 Bulgaria, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, on behalf of the UNWE as well as by Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Kiril Stoychev, Assistant Rector, Svetoslava Filcheva-Ivanova, Director of the Finance Directorate, Krasimir Dimitrov, Director of the Legal and Regulatory Services Directorate and Samuel Avdala, Acting Deputy Director of the Property Management Directorate and Chief of the Public Procurement and Auctions Division.

The signing of the Agreement was attended by Vesselina Lilova, Director of the Accounting and Financial Reporting Directorate, on behalf of A1 Bulgaria, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, on behalf of the UNWE as well as by Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Kiril Stoychev, Assistant Rector, Svetoslava Filcheva-Ivanova, Director of the Finance Directorate, Krasimir Dimitrov, Director of the Legal and Regulatory Services Directorate and Samuel Avdala, Acting Deputy Director of the Property Management Directorate and Chief of the Public Procurement and Auctions Division.

<em>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov and Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Kiril Stoychev&nbsp;</em><em style="background-color: transparent;">/from the left to the right/</em>

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov and Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Kiril Stoychev /from the left to the right/

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