UNWE Opened the New Academic Year 2021/2022

Monday, 20 September 2021 22:55

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View the full text of UNWE Opened the New Academic Year 2021/2022

The Chairman of the NRSC (National Representation of Student Councils) Daniel Parushev noted: “Respect for all that the UNWE lecturers have done. In less than 48 hours all of you have adapted extremely quickly to the new online environment. Congratulations to the Rector's leadership, to the entire academic staff, and in particular to the Rector of the university because in order to develop an institution, a university, you must certainly have good management, you must have foresight for development, and you do not lack that here", said in his greeting the Chairman of NRSC.

The Chairman of the NRSC (National Representation of Student Councils) Daniel Parushev noted: “Respect for all that the UNWE lecturers have done. In less than 48 hours all of you have adapted extremely quickly to the new online environment. Congratulations to the Rector's leadership, to the entire academic staff, and in particular to the Rector of the university because in order to develop an institution, a university, you must certainly have good management, you must have foresight for development, and you do not lack that here", said in his greeting the Chairman of NRSC.


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