UNWE Opened the New Academic Year 2021/2022

Monday, 20 September 2021 22:55

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View the full text of UNWE Opened the New Academic Year 2021/2022

"Challenges and changes are part of life and we must strive to get the best out of them. I want to thank all of you, lecturers and students, who have successfully managed with the distance learning. Traditionally, on this day we mention the famous and successful people who graduated from our university, as you can see in the cabinet "Yanev 2" there are six ministers who have studied or taught at the UNWE. But today my speech is different, because you are the great heroes. Despite the difficult educational situation, you managed to fight for your worthy place at the UNWE", addressed the Rector to the newly admitted students.

"Challenges and changes are part of life and we must strive to get the best out of them. I want to thank all of you, lecturers and students, who have successfully managed with the distance learning. Traditionally, on this day we mention the famous and successful people who graduated from our university, as you can see in the cabinet "Yanev 2" there are six ministers who have studied or taught at the UNWE. But today my speech is different, because you are the great heroes. Despite the difficult educational situation, you managed to fight for your worthy place at the UNWE", addressed the Rector to the newly admitted students.


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