UNWE Opened the New Academic Year 2021/2022

Monday, 20 September 2021 22:55

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Simona Nikova from Burgas, a first-year student in speciality International Economic Relations with English Language Teaching, welcomed her colleagues and lecturers declaring that it is a great honour and challenge for her to become part of the family of the University of National and World Economy. "As of today it becomes our second home, “our university” and that means a lot", pointed out Simona.

Simona Nikova from Burgas, a first-year student in speciality International Economic Relations with English Language Teaching, welcomed her colleagues and lecturers declaring that it is a great honour and challenge for her to become part of the family of the University of National and World Economy. "As of today it becomes our second home, “our university” and that means a lot", pointed out Simona.


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