UNWE - Host of the 30th Anniversary of MERCOSUR

Thursday, 17 June 2021 19:55

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The work of the Conference continued with a panel of reports and discussion on topics related to MERCOSUR. The moderator was Dr. Kalina Ishpekova-Bratanova, Scientific Secretary of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics Department. Reports were presented by Prof. Dr. Lisette Salgado who joined from the CETYS University - Mexico; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paskal Zhelev, Deputy Dean for Quality and International Cooperation of the International Economics and Politics Faculty, whose presentation on the EU-MERCOSUR trade agreement and the opportunities it opens up for Bulgaria aroused great interest; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Ralchev, Head of the International Relations Department, who spoke about the challenges of maintaining national identity within MERCOSUR; Prof. Dr. Tatiana Hubenova-Delisivkova, President of the Union of Economists in Bulgaria, who dedicated her presentation to the European integration of Bulgaria and the relations with MERCOSUR in the context of the EU transition to a climate-neutral economy. The Conference ended with the presentation of UNWE PhD student Kristian Madzhurov, his topic was "MERCOSUR before and after COVID-19".

The work of the Conference continued with a panel of reports and discussion on topics related to MERCOSUR. The moderator was Dr. Kalina Ishpekova-Bratanova, Scientific Secretary of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics Department. Reports were presented by Prof. Dr. Lisette Salgado who joined from the CETYS University - Mexico; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paskal Zhelev, Deputy Dean for Quality and International Cooperation of the International Economics and Politics Faculty, whose presentation on the EU-MERCOSUR trade agreement and the opportunities it opens up for Bulgaria aroused great interest; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Ralchev, Head of the International Relations Department, who spoke about the challenges of maintaining national identity within MERCOSUR; Prof. Dr. Tatiana Hubenova-Delisivkova, President of the Union of Economists in Bulgaria, who dedicated her presentation to the European integration of Bulgaria and the relations with MERCOSUR in the context of the EU transition to a climate-neutral economy. The Conference ended with the presentation of UNWE PhD student Kristian Madzhurov, his topic was "MERCOSUR before and after COVID-19".


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