Certificates for the Winners in the National Competition in Applied Informatics

Wednesday, 04 April 2018 17:45

You are viewing photos from Certificates for the Winners in the National Competition in Applied Informatics

View the full text of Certificates for the Winners in the National Competition in Applied Informatics

105 pupils from John Atanasov Vocational High School of Electronics, Sofia, M. V. Lomonosov National Vocational High School of Precise Technics, Vocational High School of Electro-Technics and Automatics, National Trade and Banking High School, Vocational High School of Light Industry and Tourism, Dr. Ivan Bogorov Vocational High School of Economics, Nesho Bonchev High School, National Enlighteners School No.144 and Nikola Obreshkov High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Kazanlak, obtained Certificates of excellent presentation in the National Competition in Applied Informatics. According to the UNWE Academic Council Decision their result is recognized as an excellent grade for successful entrance examination in the subfield of Applied Informatics, Communications and Econometrics, speciality Business Informatics and Communications.  

105 pupils from John Atanasov Vocational High School of Electronics, Sofia, M. V. Lomonosov National Vocational High School of Precise Technics, Vocational High School of Electro-Technics and Automatics, National Trade and Banking High School, Vocational High School of Light Industry and Tourism, Dr. Ivan Bogorov Vocational High School of Economics, Nesho Bonchev High School, National Enlighteners School No.144 and Nikola Obreshkov High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Kazanlak, obtained Certificates of excellent presentation in the National Competition in Applied Informatics. According to the UNWE Academic Council Decision their result is recognized as an excellent grade for successful entrance examination in the subfield of Applied Informatics, Communications and Econometrics, speciality Business Informatics and Communications.  


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