Seminar on EU-Turkey Relations and the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 17:25

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View the full text of Seminar on EU-Turkey Relations and the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU

Mr. Ayhan Zeytinoglu presented the Economic Development Foundation – non-governmental research organization having a seat in Brussels and specialized on the EU and Turkey-EU relations. He examined also the trade and economic relations between Turkey and the EU and pointed out the necessity of their modernization and achievement of visa-free regime in order to relieve the business. Mr. Zeytinoglu outlined that Turkey had always supported Bulgaria and expressed his hope that the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU would contribute to Turkey’s admission in the EU.

Mr. Ayhan Zeytinoglu presented the Economic Development Foundation – non-governmental research organization having a seat in Brussels and specialized on the EU and Turkey-EU relations. He examined also the trade and economic relations between Turkey and the EU and pointed out the necessity of their modernization and achievement of visa-free regime in order to relieve the business. Mr. Zeytinoglu outlined that Turkey had always supported Bulgaria and expressed his hope that the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU would contribute to Turkey’s admission in the EU.


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