Round Table Conference: Bridging the Gap between Education and Labour Markets Needs

Monday, 26 February 2018 12:15

You are viewing photos from Round Table Conference: Bridging the Gap between Education and Labour Markets Needs

View the full text of Round Table Conference: Bridging the Gap between Education and Labour Markets Needs

The business has an obligation to assist the education and to participate in the process of training at the universities, said Mr. Raycho Raychev, founder and CEO of Endurosat. According to him the companies know what exactly miss the education at the universities but often provide training for their employees. People who work for us are trained on our programmes, added Mr. Raychev and appealed for establishing better contact between the business and companies.

The business has an obligation to assist the education and to participate in the process of training at the universities, said Mr. Raycho Raychev, founder and CEO of Endurosat. According to him the companies know what exactly miss the education at the universities but often provide training for their employees. People who work for us are trained on our programmes, added Mr. Raychev and appealed for establishing better contact between the business and companies.


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