UNWE Presented the First Project for Electronic Student Book

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 18:20

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At the event attended Krasimir Valchev, Minister of Education and Science, Milena Damyanova, Chairwoman of the Education and Science Committee at 44<sup>th</sup> National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Director of the UNWE Center for Computer Innovative Systems, Victor Petrov, CEO of COMITEX, Stefan Elenkov, CEO of AFO, Pencho Savov, Dierctor of Bank Cards and E-Banking Directorate of DSK Bank, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raleva, Vice Rector of UNWE, Prof. Kamelia Stefanova, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty and Head of the Information Technologies and Communications Department, Rectors of universities, representatives of the companies-partners of the university in the implementation of the project, students, lecturers, etc.&nbsp;

At the event attended Krasimir Valchev, Minister of Education and Science, Milena Damyanova, Chairwoman of the Education and Science Committee at 44th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Director of the UNWE Center for Computer Innovative Systems, Victor Petrov, CEO of COMITEX, Stefan Elenkov, CEO of AFO, Pencho Savov, Dierctor of Bank Cards and E-Banking Directorate of DSK Bank, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raleva, Vice Rector of UNWE, Prof. Kamelia Stefanova, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty and Head of the Information Technologies and Communications Department, Rectors of universities, representatives of the companies-partners of the university in the implementation of the project, students, lecturers, etc. 

The UNWE is the first university in Bulgaria which brought into use the E-Student Books, pointed out Prof. Stattev. Their owners became 4&nbsp;000 first year Bachelor students who began their education in the current year. The plastic is similar to the identity card and contains a microchip with digital seal of UNWE, full student information about the owner as well as an individual sign of the student whose name is written in Cyrillic and Roman alphabet, explained Prof. Stattev. He presented both kinds of E-Student Book: complex one containing three components &ndash; E-Student Book, debit card and ISIC and single one including only E-Student Book.&nbsp;

The UNWE is the first university in Bulgaria which brought into use the E-Student Books, pointed out Prof. Stattev. Their owners became 4 000 first year Bachelor students who began their education in the current year. The plastic is similar to the identity card and contains a microchip with digital seal of UNWE, full student information about the owner as well as an individual sign of the student whose name is written in Cyrillic and Roman alphabet, explained Prof. Stattev. He presented both kinds of E-Student Book: complex one containing three components – E-Student Book, debit card and ISIC and single one including only E-Student Book. 

The Rector examined the advantages of E-Student Book &ndash; educational, financial and helping. Through it each student at any time at any of the nine devices located in the building of UNWE can be informed about the student status &ndash; grades, scholarships, health insurance, dormitories, all administrative services, academic schedule &ndash; sessions, lectures, exams, etc. There is also an application for smartphones to read the information in the E-Student Book, specified Prof. Stattev.&nbsp;&nbsp;

The Rector examined the advantages of E-Student Book – educational, financial and helping. Through it each student at any time at any of the nine devices located in the building of UNWE can be informed about the student status – grades, scholarships, health insurance, dormitories, all administrative services, academic schedule – sessions, lectures, exams, etc. There is also an application for smartphones to read the information in the E-Student Book, specified Prof. Stattev.  

At the opening of the academic year at the UNWE I pointed out that this university is not only a place for obtaining knowledge but also skills, said Milena Damyanova. She admired the project for the E-Student Book and determined it as an innovative and useful solution. It is not just an electronization of several services but it is part of the general strategy of UNWE. I hope that more universities will use the experience of UNWE and will incorporate the innovation, outlined Damyanova. The newly incorporated E-Student Books will make the education useful and pleasant as for students as for the lecturers, emphasized the Chairman of the Education and Science Committee.&nbsp;

At the opening of the academic year at the UNWE I pointed out that this university is not only a place for obtaining knowledge but also skills, said Milena Damyanova. She admired the project for the E-Student Book and determined it as an innovative and useful solution. It is not just an electronization of several services but it is part of the general strategy of UNWE. I hope that more universities will use the experience of UNWE and will incorporate the innovation, outlined Damyanova. The newly incorporated E-Student Books will make the education useful and pleasant as for students as for the lecturers, emphasized the Chairman of the Education and Science Committee. 

<br><span lang="EN-US">Minister Krasimir Valchev greeted the Rectors Manading Body for the entire work of UNWE. He outlined that the E-Student Books and the electronization of university is a result of longstanding efforts. The digitalization is a compulsory process and the UNWE is the first university having such significant achievement, pointed out the Minister and expressed his hope that the other universities in the country would follow the example. The UNWE gives the model of our future society, explicitly said Krasimir Valchev.&nbsp;</span>

Minister Krasimir Valchev greeted the Rectors Manading Body for the entire work of UNWE. He outlined that the E-Student Books and the electronization of university is a result of longstanding efforts. The digitalization is a compulsory process and the UNWE is the first university having such significant achievement, pointed out the Minister and expressed his hope that the other universities in the country would follow the example. The UNWE gives the model of our future society, explicitly said Krasimir Valchev. 

Prof. Kisimov demonstrated to attendees the practical use of E-Student Books <i>(in the picture below)</i>.

Prof. Kisimov demonstrated to attendees the practical use of E-Student Books (in the picture below).

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